How Many Here Have Been Shunned?

by Reborn2002 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • seedy3

    Until reciently I had not really been shunned, My mother who just passed away never ever shunned me and neither did my dad up to the day he died 8 years ago. I have one sister that is still an active JW, she never really made an effort to stay in touch with me, but then again that was not unusual even when I was a JW. My oldest son reciently went back to the Jdub's (about 2 years ago) and never really wnated much contact with me, but never really totally put me off if I called or I happend to see him. But, when my mother died on the 23rd of July, I flew to the states for the memorial and sitting there was a letter from my son, addressed to my youngest daughter, explaining to her why he wasn ot going to have anything to do with me and would not ever again speak to me. She offered to let me read it, but I refused as I said I already know all the STUPID JW reasoning. She said it didn't sound like his writing, and was full of scriptures and such, I would assume it was from her description take out of the Aug KM, as he never had that attitude prior to now.

    So I guess, for the first time in 25+ years I have finally been shunned. I really wonder if he really feels it will make me want to go back to the Borg? I told on e of my sisters that I cna't see myself even being a christian, much less a JW ever again. So what does it gain? Nothing, just the splitting up of family, What arrogent bastards the Governing body is.


  • Joyzabel


    I'm sorry about your mother.

    I can't believe anyone would go back to the wtbts.

    Shunning hurts, no matter when it happens.

    I don't believe jws are christians anymore because Jesus said his followers would show love and treat the least one as if they were treating Jesus.

  • animal

    Not only had I been shunned by my mother for the better part of 30 years, but now I shun her and any JW. Period.


  • nativenyr23

    Reborn: sorry to hear about your nephew and the brainwashing he is and will continue to endure. Just pray that someday, he too will wake up and say, hey dad....SCREW YOU. I WANNA SEE MY UNCLE.

    I too have been shunned. I was shunned by my entire family, friends, you know.....MY WORLD, with a 6 year old and newborn twins because i decided to leave my husband AND NEVER go back to the BORG. They disowned me. Threatened legal action to see the children....etc. This lasted 4 years. Until i remarried. Now that marriage no. 2 is on the rocks, they're doing the "i told you so...." and "that's what you get for going outside to the world" speach; so i am expecting that soon, they'll pull a repeat of the shunning shit.

    I share every emotion towards the BORG you wrote with passion. As a fellow latino....QUE SE CAGUEN LOS COME MIERDAS ESOS! Someday.....i just hope i'm alive to see them freakin' fall on their f..king faces.

    I have no nieces or nephews....but i lost grandparents, cousins, favorite uncles., etc. I don't know how old your nephew is...but when he's old enough, i'd write him a heartfelt letter explaining YOUR SIDE of the situation, explaining how they've kept you from him and how dearly you've missed being there, and that YOU'LL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR HIM NO MATTER WHAT. You never know, someday, his own parents may shun him too and he'll need his uncle more than ever. THAT my dear, would be the biggest blessing ever.

    HUGS to you, my friend (((((((reborn))))))

    Native (aka Diana)

  • nativenyr23


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Thank you WT for providing the support my mother needs

    • to never talk to me again
    • to ignore the abuse she heaped upon her children
    • to hide her alcoholism
    • to hide her angry heart
    • to hide her evil spirit
    • to hide her hypocracy

    Thank you for protecting ME from her

    and yes I mean that

  • seedy3

    Oh I forgot to mention,

    At the memorial for my mother, my son was there. While other JW relitives, such as my sister, her husband, and my nieses. were offering condolences, he made a point to stay on the other side of the room from me so he would not be near enough for me to say anything to him. When we went to the reception afterwards, again he stayed as far away from me as possible, even though JW's that Knew I was DF'd but didn't know me would speak to me on a limited basis. Well he made his bed, now he can lay in it.


  • jozb5

    I am not shunned by my family (we do have feuds going among us the result of which a few of my cousins don't speak to me but I don't take it personal)

    But my parents have "friends" that they have know since I was 3 and they come up to visit and stay with my parents about once or twice a year. Sometime they bring their adult son, who still lives with them (I think he's somewhere in his early 30's).

    Well I have been over to my parents house several times when this "brother" and his parents were there and you know he has never said one word to me or even knowledged that I was in the house. Oh he has spoken to my brother, who isn't a jw either, and even played with my kids, but he won't speak to me.



    Edited by - jozb5 on 10 August 2002 17:11:11

  • Vivamus

    (((Seedy))) It is so sad to read that.

    Damn the Watchtower! How dare they call it a gesture of love to shun family and friends?! May they get exactly what they deserve.


  • StinkyPantz

    (((Jason))) you know my situation. . .

    I've lost all of my immediate family and my only hope is my 13 year old brother. He hasn't gotten baptized yet and I hope he never does. He is the only one who says he loves me and when I move away I'll send him plane tickets for him to see him. I did similarly as scumrat. I said to my parents if you can't except me completely, then it's over. I gave them that ultimatum a couple weeks ago and haven't heard from them since so I guess that's that.

    Fortunately, most of my friends have been df'd so I didn't losed them (except for my best friend of 15 years who turned my into the elders).

    Right now I am compiling information against the Watchtower to present to them. . . I hope a little tiny bit will get through and eat at them and then maybe they'll investigate for themselves.

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