Ah well they're loss Viv, your a wonderful person. :)
I have just been shunned!
by Vivamus 45 Replies latest jw friends
I always happen when you least expect it. Some days it hurts, and somedays you feel sorry for them. What gets me, is you know when you are spotted they go back and tell everyone and everyone always asks what do they look like?? (Cause they ain't got much to do ya know) So you can always guess it will happen when you have got no makeup on and your hair isn't it's best!
Message to: Da_Luvvin_Bruvva and Da_Luvvin_Sister - BE GONE WITH YOU!! (you know what I mean!)
From Da_Luvvin_Bruvva's and Da_Luvvin_Sister's Sis!
Looking directly at her, my reply was......."well, as I don't live by Watchtower rules, my Christian conscience doesn't allow me to be rude and inconsiderate to friends, family, and especially relatives. Its up to you if you want to live under the Watchtower rules and shun me, my wife and kids, but I'm afraid, we're not going to play that game, ever. We will ALWAYS continue to show you love and respect, even if you don't return it......"
What a great postive attitude!!
Thanks for a great tip, da_luvvin_bruvva
You have a cyber family of friends here. Take care lady. Hugs sent your way.
So, Viv, he was wearing a ghastly mustard coloured suit, but he's cute, so that's ok. Maybe he should swap tips with MikeMusto
I had something similar, a couple of months back.
My wife and in-laws had been invited to dinner at my parents house (yup, leaving me out, in the process).
My in-laws came to pick my wife up, to take her there. Since I just happened to be standing in the window, when they arrived, I waved.
Sure enough, they saw me, and the immediate response was to turn their heads, in the car.
LOLThe sad thing is, that I just know they are going to deeply regret it, if they ever learn the truth about the troof.
~starts dancing~
Edited by - LittleToe on 14 August 2002 6:38:24
refiners fire
Ah well Viv, wait till that dub who shunned you wants something off you and comes up all smiling and pally like he never stopped talking to you and your still best buds !! It WILL happen, believe me.
~starts dancing~
Yes, that always cheers me up LT, dance with me!
Yeah, I know about the regret part. I shunned people in my JW life, and I feel deeply ashamed about it now.
Bruvva, I do that too. Just be polite and give the Good Example of how you should treat each other. Great what you said to your aunt by the way.
Thank you Cassi and Tish and Trauma.
refiners fire
Hey Viv, wait till you are at the deathbed of a loved one and some holy dub is whispering to the an elder that YOUR presence there is affecting HER spirituality!!
You'll love that one.
After a few incidents like that you will lose interest in setting a "good example" and you will return fire for fire.(If you are like me you will anyway)
RF, they actually did that to you?! The nerve of those people! Don't think I could keep nice and sweet after that, no....
Hugs to ya! Viv.
refiners fire
yeah. but the woman that did that NEVER liked me, so, I guess she had an excuse for expressing her personal hatred of me.
I did have a dub who had utterly shunned me for years (he used to live next door to me) come flouncing up all smiles one day like a long lost pal. I thought "what the hell?" Anyway, he wanted me to give him a job!! What a nerve huh?? If I hated someone enough to ignore them totally, I wouldnt ask them for air if I was suffocating. Just a matter of principle with me Im afraid.