LUCY! Me CRAZY love to have lunch with pretty lady but me have to clean fry machine before boss get back. Me use to flip burgers but evil apostates gang up on me and make me do fries :(
Last Days Reconsidered?
by comforter 32 Replies latest jw friends
Anybuddy in this place still believe we living in last days? The signs of the times look clear. Child kidnappings, serial killers, wars, suicide and homicide bombers and more problems than you shake stick at. Do you still believe it the last days? The bible also say that people would say it aint the last days in the last days. Comforter believe the end is close.
If these kinds of problems went away and people started saying "Peace and Security", would you think THAT was the end too?
I think it is sad that even on a topic which can be addressed perfectly by appealing to facts and arguments
Janh, you honestly think Comforter would repsond to or even understand these facts? Why put all the time and effort into a 2 page logical response when he is going to say ME COMFORTER NO LIKE BAD PEOPLE ANSWER AS THEY WRONG CAUSE AWAKE SAY SO.
Editied 3 times due to stupid #@%$@ spelling errors
dited by - crazy151drinker on 14 August 2002 13:23:33
Edited by - crazy151drinker on 14 August 2002 13:24:2
Edited by - crazy151drinker on 14 August 2002 13:27:38
You know I've been thinking that very thing lately. I like to keep an opened mind. But then I start to remember how many times in the past the last days were suposed to have been here. How do you think people felt just before the US entered world war two? I'll bet they really bought into the "last days" idea, and indeed for many it was thier last days.
Same with WWI, and the 1914 prophecy of the early Jehovahs Witnesses. I remember my dearly departed father, a JW all his life, sitting by quietly while I was all worked up back in 1974, because I thought these were the very last days. I couldn't understand why my dad wasn't as worked up as I was. Well in 2002 I finally get it. My dad had seen this all his life, he was born back around 1917 and died a couple years before 2000. He believed all his life he would never die, I guess, right up till close to the end. That was my wake up call for sure cuz he wasn't supposed to die before the end came, another JW prophecy turns out to be nothing more then "crying wolf."
When sept 11 came last year, and we were under attack, I saw many people both on these forums, and around me, clinging to these end of the world prophecies. I even found myself reading Norstradomas again and wondering. Then I realised why people cling to these prophecies. It is because they are looking for some shortcut to actually facing the events they must face in life, they want to know the outcome ahead of time. Phrophecy gives a false sense of knowing the outcome of an event. After the initial fear of sept 11 started to dwindle, everyone realised that phrophecy really had nothing to do with any of it and once again sat thier books of prophecy back on the shelf.
It is a very natural thing to gleen any and all information about a situation when your survival is at stake, but my expierence is that phrophecy can be aligned to work accurately only after an event has taken place. Thier was not one person that I know, not one Religion that truly had any answers before hand about sept 11, and I was watching. There were only kaotic members of religions, kaotic people reading books, and confused freightened people trying to understand what was happening, with thier noses buried in Bibles, shaking in fear. Doesn't the Bible say that the evil ones were supposed to be shaking in fear?
Anymore I try to resist those impulses to turn to phrophecy to explain my current fears about events. When events happen we need to face them clear headed and see them for what they are, not acts of God but acts of men and governments or acts of nature. We need to remain in a state of clear focus, and those who turn to phrophecy, all showed me a mental state of "fear and confusion".
So that is my expierence at watching world events and the effects of phrophecy on people.
I recommend, to quit reading phrophecys, and begin living in the present moment. All that we will ever be will exist in the present moment, why not bring our focus to bear on that? Bring our beliefs into the present, and start using them in real life. Time spent in fantasy of the new order could be better used working for a charity and extending real love to others in need. Without judging them, without condeming them. Love shown to the "least of souls" is what Jesus taught.
Love and Light
Janh, you honestly think Comforter would repsond to or even uderstand these facts? Why put all the time and effort into a 2 page logical response when he is going to say ME COMFORTER NO LIKE BAD PEOPLE ANSWER AS THEY WRONG CAUSE AWAKE SAY SO.
Let me turn the question around: What do you hope to accomplish by posting back only insults and ridicule?
I'll be the first to admit it is tempting to do so when a poster is continuously ignoring all arguments and posting back nonsense, but shouldn't we at least address the actual content before stooping to his level?
- Jan
I see Hilda/Mytikool is back to add fecal material to the pool.
Crazy: Some won't process the information immediately but others can read the responses to comforter's statement. It's not always an immediate response that matters with a discussion such as this one. There are some lurking that will go away and contemplate the information. Then. how you respond to persons asking these questions also leaves an impression.
Posting back insults and ridicule accomplishes nothing, but then neither does responding with logical and factual that leads to an entertainment factor which insults and riducle provide :) If Comforter or Bleep actually made sense, or even ATTEMPTED 2, then noone would insult them. But they choose to post all of their madness and then blow everyone off which in itself is quite insulting.
Granted, replied information is quite usefull for 3 parties who are reading the posts. So not only do we have informational threads, but entertaining ones as well :)
I listed the events that make me think it the last days. There are more, such as AIDS and diseases like west nile virus. but comforter's point is that events effect people differently these days. It is not just the number of people that die. I measure distress and critical times in existential terms. I ask how events effect people existentially. Never has there been such a time when people are afraid to come out of there homes or afriad to stay in them. You gotta watch your bay at every turn and women in Louisaiana are afriad to go out at night. Add racism and sexism to the mix, and I believe these times are unique. They are the last days.