The Pedophile Paradise

by Amazing 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    The Pedophile problem among the JWs is very significant. Over a year ago I made some extrapolations from a Poll on JWD that conservatively suggested about 5,300 JW molesters in the USA, or about (1) JW Pedophile for every (2) JW congregations in the United States. Given that pedophiles molest many victims, at least 70 or more in their criminal careers by conservative estimates, this can add up to a lot of victims --- not all are necessarily JW victims --- but still the collective crimes of JW Pedophiles would average over 370,000 victims.

    Since that time that over 5,000 victims have come forward to email, phone, and write letters to SilentLambs --- as stated last night on Connie Chung/CNN. Some are the victims of the same JW molester, but most are not, thus strongly suggesting that our extrapolated numbers are conservative, for most of these victims have had experience with different molesters. And the last time I talked with Bill Bowen, the email and letters keep coming in!

    Then there is the 23,770 JW Pedophile list reportedly held by the Watchtower Society. This number likely reflects worldwide statistics for JWs ... but given that the largest segment of JWs live in the USA (1,000,000 of the 6,000,000 JWs worldwide) then this number of 5,300 JW pedophiles in the USA makes even more sense.

    If we assume JW Pedophiles are no worse than non-JW pedophiles, then using the conservative average of 70 victims, this means that the 371,000 JW victims in the USA translates into something else very significant. Today, there are about 11,000 to 12,000 JW congregations in the USA, so this would translate into about 30 to 33 victims per JW congregation.

    My own experience as a JW and Elder, I personally know of several JW molesters. I reported one to the police as I was leaving the organization. And another JW Pedophile that I know of admitted to having HUNDREDS of victims ... not all JW children ... and this matches what a Chicago attorney told me, based on his experience in prosecuting these cases in the civil courts.

    In my opinion, I agree with Bill Bowen: THE JW ORGANIZATION IS A PEDOPHILE PARADISE!

  • JanH


    If we assume JW Pedophiles are no worse than non-JW pedophiles, then using the conservative average of 70 victims, this means that the 371,000 JW victims in the USA translates into something else very significant. Today, there are about 11,000 to 12,000 JW congregations in the USA, so this would translate into about 30 to 33 victims per JW congregation.

    Sorry, this figure just fails the sanity check. The "70 victims" figure may be accurate for full blown pedophile predators, but it simply fails to be applicable for all cases of molestation. Many molestation cases are perpetrated by confused adolescents or people who do things once in a drug induced state which they would have the sense to not do sober.

    Since only the most serious cases typically end with prosecution, even if the 70 figure is correct for convicted offenders, you cannot apply it across the board. There is a wide range of cases from indecent fondling to outright rape, but both fall into the category of "sexual molestation." Thus, extrapolated figures are almost certain to be flawed.

    - Jan

  • expatbrit
    Then there is the 23,770 JW Pedophile list reportedly held by the Watchtower Society. This number likely reflects worldwide statistics for JWs

    I think that Silentlambs has stated that this figure represents just North America and English speaking Europe i.e. the UK. Perhaps someone could confirm this?

    If so, it makes the numbers even more conservative.


  • HoChiMin


    Given the numbers cited for recurring offenders, I would be just as outraged if the number were one victim per offender.

    Yes, I also know of JW perpetrators that victimized children and I have reported them to authorities, although anonymously for fear of WT retribution.

    In my opinion the more number of victims willing to come forward will receive the most attention in the press. The alarming fact is that there are a lot of victims among the Witnesses.

    The cover-up tactics in the name of the WT god is the worst offense of the WT. This fact should be publicized as accurately and as often as possible.


  • larc

    Amazing, while I think your estimates as to the number of abusers is on target, I share JanH's questions as to the average number of abused at 70. In fact, my wife and I were discussing this before JanH posted. JanH pointed out one of the problems. That is, what is the criterion of sexual abuse? Now, coping a feel is wrong, but by far it is less criminal than penetration. This is a very complex issue. To add to the mix, we could throw in false accusations, and false memories

  • Amazing

    Hi JanH: You make an interesting point, so some clarification is needed. You stated,

    Sorry, this figure just fails the sanity check. The "70 victims" figure may be accurate for full blown pedophile predators, but it simply fails to be applicable for all cases of molestation.

    First, no one said that ALL who commit acts of pedophilia fit the 70 victim number ... the term "average" was used to qualify the number.

    Second, most professional studies I have read show that there are three types of pedophiles:

    1. The Situational Pedophile, who commits the crime on an incidental basis, and may only have one or two victims. These account for a very smal number of pedophiles, perhaps 5% to 10%. My son-in-law's dad evidently fits this type according to the prosecutor I talked to.

    2. The Predatory Pedophile, who stalks and steals young children, raped, sodomized, tortures and eventually kills their victims. Wesley Allen Dodd in Wshington State fits this profile. These types often have several hundred victims. One attorney told me that they average around 300 victims. These types are few, perhaps less than 5% of all pedophiles.

    3. The Preferrential Pedophile, who seeks out and befriends children. They do not kill children and these average about 70 victims according to the most conservative estimates. Other studies suggest over 120 average. These types often get away with the most because they become expert in their seduction and decpetion of children. These are the types who cause long term damage and these are the types I have mostly encountered among Jehovah's Witnesses. They account for about 80% of all pedophiles.

    So while your point about the "exceptions" and the "variations" is true, it only accounts for about 5% to 10% of the problem, and misses the overwhelming vast majority of Preferrential Pedophiles. However, let's assume that the most conservative average number of 70 victims is still too high, then cut it in half. This would mean that at least 185,000 JW victims are in the USA, or about 15 per congregation. Let's cut that in half again just to be ultra conservative, and say 7 victims per congregation ... does that make us feel any better? Who would want their child to be one of those 7 victims? How about just one victim?

    We have a documented 5,000 victims who have emailed SilentLambs. About 2.4% of ex-JWs post on the Internet. One can discover this by merely checking the registration on a single large board, and comparing this to the estimates of all ex-JWs. Sometime ago, several have estimated, basedf on good data, that there are about 2,000,000 ex-JWs worldwide, and of this we could expect at least 250,000 ex-JWs are in the USA. over 6,500 are registered posters on just JWD. Taking out about 500 for duplicate accounts leaves 6,000 different individuals. This translates into 2.4% of the estimated ex-JWs.

    If we assume that the 5,000 victims who have step forward to date also represents about 2.4% of the JW victims in the USA, then this means that over 208,000 total victims are out there or more.

    I am not suggesting that the numbers I give are exact or written in stone, but the law of large numbers does allow some extrapolation, and this is useful in trying to get a handle on the scope of the problem. The conservative aspects I used helps keeps these estimates within reason. Time will tell, and we may never really know the full scope. Yet, given what I have learned to date in being closely involved in this issue, I am very confident in the numbers I have put forward.

  • amac

    The first thing I wondered about this was the "at least 70 or more in their criminal careers by conservative estimates, "

    Most of the cases I have read about have been far, far less than 70. Even if that is a "typical" number for a career criminal, the average must be far less than this.

  • Sentinel


    It seems to me that JW's have always covered up any problems within congregations. They say they do this "in the name of Jehovah", so that his name will not be dishonored. How can they be so corrupt in their thinking? It is so obvious to me that as long as these situations are allowed to exist and are "covered up" to keep away scandal and reproach, the numbers will only continue to rise.

    These offenders do feel secure and protected while in the organization. It is a serious flaw and must be eradicated. Certainly the WTBTS needs to make the necessary corrections to their thinking and get themselves straighted out. But do they? No. They continue to make excuses, to lie, to cover-up, all in Jehovah's name. They continue to overlook the great damage being done to the minds, bodies and souls, of loving, dedicated people who bring their children into this evil array.

    I would say, that if Jehovah "is" paying attention to them, he would be royally incensed at what they are doing in his "name". In any event, people everywhere should be paying attention, especially those who are baptised members of this insane group.

    They think that in time all of this will cool down and life will go on as usual. We need to make certain that this does not happen.

    As far as I'm concerned, even the number "one" is enough for me, let along the vast numbers reported so far. One poor soul, infected with the borg org bug--and destined to live with the emotional stress and psychological damage for their entire life, is one too many!

    Love and Light,


  • Englishman

    If a paedophile has a sexual activity life of say, from 16 - 66, then that's around 40 years of activity. 70 victims in that time equates to one new hit every 7 months or so. That isn't that many for someone who is constantly on the lookout for a victim.


  • amac

    I don't doubt that a career criminal can have 70 victims. But if you were to average it out with all the pervs that only had 1-5 victims, the average would be far less.


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