Dear Joel,
i wish you all the best with this. There are some factors you need to take into account.
Firstly, the only people you will be able to get to talk to you and say anything critical about the WTS will be those that are out of the organisation. The WTS will do anything to discredit their testimony. On top of that any critical comment is branded apostate lies and the vast majority of those inside the organisation will do the equivalent of stick their fingers in their ears and shout "we can't hear you".
If the WTS do condescend to talk to you they will send a PR and media trained lackey who will be the master of spin and double speak. The WTS position on their child abuse policy is that it is 100% sound, anyone can go to the authorities and the Congregation never has systematically covered anything up.
They will spin the term "minister". They will discredit their own members who have committed abuse. They will flip flop between statements about the top down "follow my leader" nature of the organisation and the apparent personal nature of an individual's responsibilities and accountability in the organisation.
They will never engage in any kind of open or productive spirit. They will never admit any organisational responsibility. They will hang the minions out to dry.
I would suggest lurking on a certain JW friendly forum and checking out the statements about those that have stood up to the WTS on this matter. PM me for details on how to get full access.
i would also suggest getting in touch with lawyers who have spent a lot of time fighting the WTS in court on behalf of anise victims to get more details on the "theocratic warfare" strategies that will be used against you.
I would encourage you to become an expert in what objections might be thrown up to discredit ones you may use and don't be afraid to confront these head on. For example the current favourite is to sling mud at the victim or the parents for not going to the authorities. The passive-aggressive, socio-cultural pressures put on people over the years to not have the org dragged through the mud are immense and completely swept under the carpet.
You are taking on one of the most sneaky, self-serving and deceptive organisations possible with this. Except every thing a victim claims to be ripped to shreds and plan accordingly.
Best of luck!