I have a new cat. A smallish young adult (1-2 years old) female, with black & gold back and white chest, belly and feet.
I can't come up with a name I like. I wanted to name her something consistent with her coloring (Carmel, Fawn, Tawny, etc.), but they didn't seem to fit.
I came up with the name "Lucy" after Lucy Australopithecus Afarensis to reflect my new evolutionary beliefs, but when a friend said it "loooo-ceeee" dripping with honey, it gagged me. I still like it though because it represents mystery (the fossils of Lucy) and our common genetic material.
But another problem with it is I said I was going to go home and have Lucy crawl up on my lap and it sounded a bit lesbian. "Not that there's anything wrong with that!" (As Seinfeld says...)
Another possibility that is gender-neutral is "Bonsai," since she's on the small side and tears around here like crazy.
So, what is your opinion on: 1) Lucy; and 2) Bonsai ??
I've had her almost 3 weeks now and call her something every day (one day it was "Hell Cat"!)