I agree, A Paduan, many of the catalysts for change come from without, rather than from within.
Tightening up of their child abuse policies came about as a direct result of apostate exposure, helped by the media, and I'm sure further changes will be made.
Besides pressure from us 'apostates' there is also pressure exerted by the passing of time -as every year passes their prophecies look weaker and weaker. That was why they changed the understanding of the term generation and effectively unhooked it from 1914, the passing of time meant that the generation of 1914 did die out! Something will still definitely have to be done about the year 1914 though, that's another century away already in peoples minds! I too predict that 1914 will be downgraded somehow, maybe even abandoned altogether like their previous prophetic years (i.e. 1799, 1874, 1918, 1925, 1975) can you imagine trying to convince people today that the end times started in 1799!
Time will also cause changes with regard to the anointed - maybe a new class of Chieftains will run the show. A new understanding of what is meant by the scripture 'on account of the chosen ones' (Current understanding says that Armageddon needs to come within their lifetime). The change may be that the chosen ones are no longer the anointed but all faithful JWs (the end of the world will be postponed yet again).
The blood issue will gradually become irrelevant as modern technology saves their asses, but in the meantime it will become a matter of conscience, as will celebrating of birthdays.
Disfellowshipping will remain - after all they thrive on control and fear. This is their main way of controlling the flock and they will not give that up lightly.
Reporting hours will remain - it's how they chose the 'gifts in men', the more hours you do the more privileges you get. However, the provision of remaining an active witness will be met by simply ticking a box which says that you have spent an undefined amount of time talking about Jehovah (i.e. to a neighbour); this will help massage the figures, slowing decline for a while.
The Internet will be heavily demonised, and while it won't be explicitly banned all JWs will know that browsing the net at home is akin to watching pornography. Indeed, all references to the Internet and email in the latest magazines are noticeably negative.
Other possibilities:
The Awake! will be incorporated into the Watchtower magazine to save money.
JW faith schools will start to open to stop pollution of youths by the world, though this may be difficult as there won't soon be many educated JWs to teach the youngsters the three Rs.
Edited by - dmouse on 19 August 2002 4:47:6