If you are REQUIRED to sign a document or verify in front of witnesses
they would never require you to sign anything, in fact they are getting away from having paper documentation on lots of things- to many legal ramifications, but the two elders on a "sheparding call" would be all that is needed to verify that you did not want the Cong to help you get back in swing with the meeting, service , etc.
and you are correct it would impact 100,000, but consider this--
in view of the vast majority of jw in my opinion who have ceased to be involved with the congo and are classified as inactive
not due to DOGMA, BUT DUE TO just getting tired, depressed , feelling neglected, worn out , burned out and left out of the in crowd,
many would view this esp if the visiting elders tell them - that this is jah giving folks the last chance to get on the ark of salvation, so many jw who are inactive would view this merely as jah giving them one last chance and they would be back to the hall and out selling books again, - now how long would they last - perhaps not long for fear has often been shown not to keep folks coming to the hall
keep in mind the most important thing in the mind of the org is to be able to LABEL YOU they need to know how to classify you this way the rank and file will know how to treat you and this will draw a clear line
will some leave perhaps, but in my view the wt would perfer to have 1,000,000 dyed in the wool no questioning jw than some 6mill who they can't control, and mean just look at the net at all the body of elders letters that are posted here
the wt would perfer to have less jw in my view who do EXACTLY AS TOLD WITHOUT ANY QUESTION.
FOR The ORG TO KNOW THAT THEY HAVE COMPLETELY loyal jw means the world to them
but time will tell