WT October 15, 2015 - Don't believe Apostate Lies

by Designer Stubble 65 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jwleaks

    Interesting that the cover features an image of a field service group in Australia given that the Child Abuse Royal Commission announced this week that they will be investigating the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Australia in relation to the handling of child abuse.

    [Quote from WT] - "And what should you do if you find slanderous news about Jehovah’s organization on the Internet? Such material should be firmly rejected. Some feel that they must bring it to the attention of others to get their opinion, but all that does is propagate the malicious information. If we feel troubled about something we see on the Internet, we should ask Jehovah for wisdom and speak to mature brothers about it."

    "...remember that love is not unduly suspicious; nor is it naive or gullible. Above all, love refuses to believe malevolent insinuations about Jehovah’s organization or lies about our brothers that are circulated by people who are slaves to “the father of the lie,” Satan the Devil."

    Note the qualifiers 'slanderous', 'malicious', 'malevolent', 'lies'.

  • Oubliette

    The reasoning behind this is that the Jews were selected by God and had to remain Jews despite their evil priests and kings. Likewise, the JWs are selected by God and we need to stay in the arc, good or bad.

    I'm calling bullshit on that.

    When Jews lived during the reigns of "bad kings" they were individually morally culpable if they went with the status quo.

    The modern GB of JWs are "bad kings."

    Every single "hero of the Bible" was an individual that took a stand against the hypocrisy and corruption of the religious and political leaders of Israel and Judah.

    Take a stand against the hypocrisy and corruption of the religious and political leaders of the current WTBTS.

    You'll be a hero. You'll probably also get yourself killed (spiritually), but you'll be a hero.

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007
    North Korea and Jehovah's Witnesses. Control the information and you can control the people. The movie 1984 is about the Witnesses...re-write history. Whitewash all mistakes. Never question "Big brother."
  • zimunzucz
    JWs always lie about blood transfusions- I can bury them every time on that teaching
  • Oubliette


    "And what should you do if you find accurate news about Jehovah’s organization on the Internet? Such material should be carefully considered. Some feel that they must bring it to the attention of others to get their opinion, because that propagates the important information. If we feel troubled about something we see on the Internet, we should [ask Jehovah for wisdom and] speak about it to people who have demonstrated critical thinking skills and sound judgment."

    "...remember that love is not unduly suspicious; but it is also not naive or gullible. Above all, love refuses to believe ridiculous propaganda about Jehovah’s organization or lies about the organization that are circulated by people who are running this scam and benefiting from it."

  • Watchtower-Free
  • steve2

    What would a JW say to a member of one of the churches of Christendom if that member expressed the self-same reservations as expressed in the Watchtower about not paying attention to the lies and slanderous words being spread by JWs about their church?

    Probably something like, "If you've got the true religion, you should have nothing to fear from scrutinizing your beliefs because truth can withstand scrutiny. Indeed, you owe it to yourself because wouldn't you rather know if you are not worshipping God in spirit and truth?"

    I used those words on churchgoers even whilst knowing that that line of reasoning was not tolerated in the organization. Hypocrites!

    Rutherford was known for stacking the cards against any who left by accusing them of lies and of having evil hearts. This proud, head-in-the-sand mentality continues over 80 years later. The irony is the GB themselves have no compunction slandering those they accuse of slander.

  • stuckinamovement
    Wow. Did they just say widely respected journalists and reporters are malevolent liars who are slaves to Satan? Is the GB saying that excellence in journalism should no longer be called a Peabody Award anymore, maybe a Lucifer award?
  • zimunzucz

    JWs never exaggerate, they are real Bible scholars and only follow the Bible. ha- - that is what a young adult JW girl told me last weekend at the hotel- if she only knew the quality of the people in the writing dept--

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters
    The expression, "Give them enough rope and they'll hang themself" comes to mind...

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