WT October 15, 2015 - Don't believe Apostate Lies

by Designer Stubble 65 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Slander is a false statement that damages someone's reputation.

    An Eldub tried to accuse me of "slander" for saying the BOE was making rules. I told him that "slander" is a false statement, and they were making rules, going beyond the scriptures.

    He said that I was wrong, and that "slander" can be true information used against someone. He should read the "Insight on the scriptures" book, and see what the WTBTS really says.

    This whole article could be a scene from "Scandal." It's called "getting in front of" an issue. The WTBTS leaders are so dishonest, all they can do is spin, spin, spin and attempt to control every action of JWs.

    Now "true Christians" can't even e-mail each other scriptures from God's own word!

    WAKE UP!!! You will share and memorize ONLY GB approved snippets of scripture as presented in their publications! STFU, and be blessed!


  • sir82

    Damage control.

    If you really want your adherents to avoid [X], the best way is to just never mention [X]. Don't draw attention to it, just ignore it.

    The fact that they spend so much time & effort writing about, and talking about, and warning about "malevolent slander" indicates that they have concluded that it is too late to just ignore the issue. They are willing to risk stating "there is negative information about us out there on the internet" because they know that thousands of JWs are looking into it anyway.

    Of course, they are unable to refute said negative information, so they just bluster & rant about "slander" and "lies" and hope it works.

    And it does work - on the feeble-minded and the stupid, whose proportion among JWs continues to grow.

    In 20 years, JWs will be a religion of the feeble-minded and the chronically stupid.

    Who, by the way, don't earn very much money.

    Which, come to think of it, is likely the reason for the timing of the huge Warwick project and the shameless cash grab from the congregations. Get the money while there is still some to be gotten.

  • punkofnice
    Data - He said that I was wrong, and that "slander" can be true information used against someone.

    What in blue blazes does that mean? How can you use truth against someone unjustly?

  • sir82

    Especially could those who are new to the Internet conclude that a report or a news item, however strange or sensational, is true simply because it is online or because a friend sent it via e-mail.

    What a bizarre statement.

    Who exactly is "new to the internet"?

    It's been around for 20+ years, extremely common for 15+.

    Who could be "new to the internet"?

    I guess it might be the very young, and perhaps the very old, who are maybe just getting their tablets & smartphones now so they can watch JW TV & view the website.

    But those aren't the guys reading the "malevolent slander" - the ones doing so are between the ages of, say, 15 - 55. Hardly "new to the internet".

    I can't figure out why they put that phrase in there.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    I remember while I was at Bethel 1974 that Me and another brother were arguing this point about slander whether slander could actually be true and still classified as slander. Brother Schroeder/GB was sitting at our table so we asked him and he said yes the slander could all be true but it was still slander. So I think that is the consensus among the entire GB in their use of the term.
  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate
    Sir 82, But those aren't the guys reading the "malevolent slander" - the ones doing so are between the ages of, say, 15 - 55. Hardly "new to the internet".

    I can't figure out why they put that phrase in there

    Perhaps for 3rd world countries who are still just becoming connected to the internet.

    This religion will become increasingly popular in 3rd world countries, and i'd imagine a lot of the articles will be directed towards them.

    The western world is a lost cause.

  • StarTrekAngel
    Damage control? Isn't damage control done after the fact? Well indeed it is in a way, but you know this article was not published yesterday. Expect more and worst news coming down the pipe.

    Punk, I have no idea what he meant. He was the elder who accused me of apostasy. He's a deluded Watchtard who went on a witch-hunt because I called him on his BS.

    The sheer stupidity and hypocrisy of it all helped to wake me up.

    So let's review:

    1) The 100 year anniversary of Jesus,/Jehovah/Jesus'/Jehovah's rulership came and went.

    2) The GB are now the FDS. They can NEVER be the "evil slave."

    3) Jehovah has more money going out, than coming in.

    4) If you have a leak in your plumbing, Jehovah is the best at finding them.

    5) Any and all negative stories about JWs are from "Satan."

    Therefore, Whitney Henschel was not actuall murdered by Jonathan Holt, a fellow JW.

    Pervert Campos did not actually molest anyone, was NEVER tried or found guilty of any crimes, was never DF'd, and of course, never fled from authorities.

    Jonathan Kendrick never actually touched his step-daughter or Candice Conti. That trial NEVER happened. There was no settlement.

    6) JWs are not allowed to share scriptures with one another via e-mail.

    7) JWs never die from refusing blood transfusions.

    8) JWs don't shun former members. ( Then why have a WT article about how loving it is to DF??)

    9) JWTV is not a televangelist show and they don't ask for money via the 144,000 Club.

    10) The ORG is protecting children from child abuse, but it's really the responsibility of Law Enforcement and parents. ( Hey, why are we discussing these things when they never happened?!?!)

    11) STFU and be blessed with the prospect of the chance of assigned housing in Panda Paradise.

    Did I miss anything?


  • StrongHaiku

    Especially could those who are new to the Internet conclude that a report or a news item, however strange or sensational, is true simply because it is online or because a friend sent it via e-mail.

    sir82, I often get stumped when they phrase things like that as well. However, I think it might be that the GB is trapped in a bubble of Psychological Projection.

    Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.

    Their writing, in just about every topic, often seems to reflect their own limitations, ignorance, and privileged life experience. In this case, it is the GB that is new to the internet, etc. and they project that on others.

  • Ding

    How many JWs think the allegations of child molesting are apostate lies...

    ... despite the fact that in virtually all of these cases the WTS admits that the molestation occurred while denying liability?

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