Hi, Prisca,
I am Norm, and I am new here.
You said:
This post is primarily for those folk on this board, who post
copious quantities of JW info on this board.
Please don't!
There are a few things I find puzzling with your post, so I hope you can clear them up for me so that I can understand the protocol on this board. Why shouldn’t such material be posted on this board? Is this prohibited? Are there posting limits? Are you speaking for yourself, giving your opinion, or are you speaking on behalf of the jw.com community?
I can understand your wanting to help present JWs and those looking for info on the Organisation, but this is not the place for posting reams and reams of info. Most of us here know already this stuff. There are web-sites dedicated to providing this information.
I have a few questions for you regarding this. Who has decided that this board isn’t the place for this? Is there a general consensus on the board about this, or have you decided this all by yourself? If the information in a post is familiar to you, have you considered the option of ignoring it, simply not reading it? How do you know that no one else is interested in the material?
This site is a discussion board - a place to chat, discuss (not argue!) and support each other.
In my dictionary, discuss is defined as “to talk or write about; consider and argue the pros and cons of.” To argue is to try to prove by giving reasons; it does not have to be synonymous with bad feelings and quarrelling. I also believe that information is very important for support and healing. I know it has been so for me. If this is not true for you, just skip such posts.
In the past it has been likened to a coffee shop - but in recent weeks it has looked more like a mine field. There is no need for animosity. You might win the battle but it will make it harder for you to win the war (if you think there is one) by providing proof that those that leave the "Truth" are bitter, argumentive and unhappy with their lot. Is that what you want?
Perhaps you need to cut back on the caffeine awhile, Prisca—you seem rather tense. May I offer you a soothing honey bun? It is quite clear that you don’t like the turn the board has taken and voice your grievances. This is, of course, very good and proper, but don’t you think someone could misunderstand this as arguing? Is animosity a question of style or of content? Can you give examples of posts of which you disapprove? And again, are you speaking for everyone, or is this a question that should be taken up with others on the board? I ask because I sincerely want to know.
Those that are looking for info on the history and doctrines of the JW religion will find abundant sites dedicated on the subject. I applaud the ones that go to the trouble and expense to do so. But this is not what this site is primarily for. Sure, we can post news, updates and info not generally available, but primarily this is a discussion board. Ok? And please don't turn it into another H2O. If you want the nastiness of H2O, go back there and leave us alone. This place is for friends who want to be friendly.
I am glad that you so thoroughly approve of research, I have done a lot during my 12 years out of the Watchtower. But I am sorry that you don’t want it posted here.
You seem to have already decided that this site isn’t “primarily” for such. What percentage of such postings is okay, if any? Are such postings only acceptable in answer to specific questions?
I have been on H2O for many years. If people from that site are unwanted here, why not say that straight out? Or is it a rule that if people from H2O come here, we must conform to your rules about what we can post? I think you will find that I am a very friendly person, Prisca. Do you really find your own post very friendly? Frankly, I do not.