A sister came by my house today. Not to see how I was or why I have not been to meetings for the past months - she needed to borrow some money for the upcoming convention.
We chatted a little, and I cound not keep my mouth shut about some questions I have and some discoveries I made about the doctrine. I thought she was more open minded ....
She told me "we" need to talk to a brother in charge ... I told her I do not feel I need to talk to anyone in charge, that I need to do some more research by myself and I do not think they can tell me more than the wt library can...
But I have the feeling she will talk to one of them...
And I am thinking ... this kind of behavior reminds me of the comunist era in my country when you had to be careful of what you say, to whom, and you were always afraid someone might tell of you if you dared to say something not in compliance with the party's policy ...
Why do they view having your own opinions / different opinions on the same level as imorality, idolatry or other big sins. They somehow feel obliged to tell on someone who has different opinions like that person committed a sin or something....