Leave older Watchtower and Awake literature in guest bathroom for *personal use* instead of toliet paper.
Schedule Ray Franz or Farkle from this board to give Sunday Talk.
Give gift of Ex-Lax brownies to visiting circuit servant.
Spray paint "What the f**k happened to the generation of 1914?" on the side of your kingdom hall.
Attend fun party at Valis/District Overbeer's pad. Get pic plastered on Simon's board of you getting flogged or attempting carnal Smurf depravity.
(for women) Picket local circuit assembly with sign saying "I had Ted Jaracz's love child."
(for men) Picket local circuit assembly with sign saying, "I am Ted Jaracz's love child."
During last talk ever as a JW, moon the congregation and break wind.
Attend Memorial and cannonball the wine in a single gulp and scream "More Wine, Dammit!"
Edited by - megadude on 21 August 2002 17:14:47