Two Jehovahs Witnesses Beheaded!

by deceit 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • amac

    Xander -

    First of all, would you please put a shirt on?

    Second of all, you state:

    Do you really believe the GB does not WANT persecution of a few members in some distant 3rd world country?

    Yes, I believe that. I don't think any of them are so evil to WANT bad things to happen to the JWs just to hold their religion together. I believe that, although they may be wrong, the GB really believe all the things they say, so they expect persecution. And when it does happen they, no doubt, capitalize on it and use it as proof for their beliefs. But I don't think any of them WANT it to happen, expecially to the degree of putting JWs in bad situations just to create a little persecution.

    and that's why they sent them there

    According to the news article, all those people were from the Phillipines. They may or may not have been "sent" there in particular because many JWs work territories unassigned.

    Do you honestly think the WTS doesn't have the funds to buy the terrorists out and rescue their people?

    Possibly, but that is a whole other topic that I have no information or knowledge of. And I see that as having no relevance to my argument that anyone who does not think these beheadings are just absolutely terrible is a sick %#$@!

  • expatbrit
    Yes, I believe that. I don't think any of them are so evil to WANT bad things to happen to the JWs just to hold their religion together.

    I would submit that the Mexico / Malawi situation contradicts this.


  • Xander

    I don't think any of them are so evil to WANT bad things to happen to the JWs just to hold their religion together



    You don't think they let hundreds, if not thousands, of children go on being molested because admitting to the scope of the problem might cause a fracture in their little religion?

    You don't think they let people die who need a blood transfusion when they know full well that the bible's commands on the subject are ambiguous at best - and certainly it never says anywhere "You must never accept a blood transfusion even if your life depends on it".

    the GB really believe all the things they say

    I find that statement staggeringly odd.

    You think the GB is just as duped as all the other members? (Which then begs the question - who IS at fault for all the conspiracies at foot?) I mean, do they all vote unanimously on all issues? No? You don't think THAT, at least, makes them wonder, do you? When members of the GB leave the organisation....were they just exceptions to the rule? All other GB members always see eye to eye and are certain they are god's mouthpiece on earth?

    I find it a little hard to believe that THEY don't realize it's all a load of crap. I'm sure that knowledge is faily widespread in the 'upper echelons' of Brooklyn.

  • ISP

    I don't buy the WTS line that they were there making a living. 6 of them went out to a remote area with 2 muslim guides....Note MUSLIM guides. If they were selling would be better off selling it on your own rather than splitting it 6 ways and going to an outlying area. That was probably a cover for doing the preaching work. I bet they have some mags stashed somewhere in the know how it works.

    They were either naive beyond belief or were working some territory under instruction from the WTS. My guess is the WTS. Dubs don't use their own initiative.


  • sf

    Wow, who knew TWO WITNESSES would cause such a ruckus. hahahahaha


    These dubs went into an area under the guise of avon salesmen,so they could threaten the lives of anyone who dosen`t join their religion,and they got their heads chopped off..I don`t feel sorry for them at all..They went to preach death and destruction,and thats what they got....You reap what you sow...OUTLAW

    I fully concur.

    sKally, Hate The Liars AND The Lie Klass

  • Dia

    Strangely - and sadly - the Philippines are VERY high up on the list of places where JWs are actually growing. I have no idea why.

    The problem now is the four? remaining hostages.

    I find it very sad that so many soldiers and other military people must now risk their lives to protect a group of people - who should never have been their in the first place - who have absolutely zero respect for those who will be risking their lives for their safety.

  • amac
    You don't think they let hundreds, if not thousands, of children go on being molested because admitting to the scope of the problem might cause a fracture in their little religion?

    That's just a tad bit different than saying "They want the kids to get molested so that blah blah blah"

    The rest of this argument is silly as it is only speculation as to what drives the men in the GB and what their motives are. For either of us to come to a conclusion without acknowledging that we very well may be wrong is ridiculous. But to me, this is all besides the point. This thread was about the poor people who died in the Phillipines. I was arguing the fact that some decided to shift the argument to try and place blame on the WT for these deaths. That is ridiculous. These people were killed by some demented religous fanatics that make the WT look like angels. I don't care if the JWs were yelling heresy in the streets, they certainly did not deserve the death they were given.

    Some apostates are so consumed with bitterness and hatred that they cannot see things without their thoughts being tainted by these emotions.

    ISP -

    I don't buy the WTS line that they were there making a living. 6 of them went out to a remote area with 2 muslim guides....Note MUSLIM guides.

    How do you explain the fact that they were with Muslim guides as supportive evidence that they weren't earning money selling avon? If anything I would say the complete opposite of your suggestion since I can't imagine 2 Muslim guides taking a group out into the field ministry to show them around the Abu Sayyaf's neighborhood.

    I don't doubt they did have WT and Awakes, many witnesses carry them wherever they go hoping to informal witness. I think the point of the official statement was that they were not their on official WT business or sent specifically to that area by the WT.

    Dubs don't use their own initiative.

    Just a little bit of a generalization there.
  • Kenneson

    Sf fully concurs with Outlaw who stated that "They went to preach death and destruction, and that's what they reap what you sow."

    Where you ever Jehovah's Witnesses? Did you ever preach about Armageddon? Do you think your life will end violently? If not, why not?

  • Ella

    What's sick is you're looked "down on" if you don't go door to door, so you go! Your're told Jehovah will take care of HIS people and you hear all the experiences that prove it, right??? But funny when the twin towers fell, the reports from people in Bethel themselves was, they locked the door on the people, not letting anyone in. What kind of people hide behind locked doors in complete safety, but send innocent, unknowing people, with false hopes, out into such violent areas??? Sick people, and they only apparantly look out for their own FAT BUTTS!!!

  • Dia

    The ironic thing is that Allah is the same God as we all know Him.

    He is the God of Abraham, the God of the Old Testament, God the Father, of most Christian religions.

    JWs, with their lack of seeing a real difference with the coming of Christ and their ever interest in SOME things in the Old Testament, probably come closer to speaking of 'Allah' than many faiths.

    Small exception, of course, being that they worship the WTS more than any God they ever knew.

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