Two Jehovahs Witnesses Beheaded!

by deceit 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    I can just hear the spin on this; "First it is that lying apostate Bowen and now our brothers and sisters are being persecuted and killed. Satan and his followers are mounting their attack! Time to stage a counter protest march next month!" Feelings that effect.

  • jst_me

    Try telling Daniel Pearl's wife he got what he deserved for putting himself in a dangerous situation.

    This is not the same situation. This situation is more similar to the Christians who were held hostage for a year or so, and the husband died. They were part of a religious movement out of south florida whose mission is to Christianize the Indigenous peoples of the world that the Catholics missed. They are hated by traditionalists in the various countries that they set up camp because they insist that Christian, Western ways are the best ways to live, and convice people to give up traditional ways of life, dress, eating, worshipping, thinking.

    So, while the acts seem heinous, lets remember that what these preaching groups do is destroy traditional indigenous societies, and those effects are much more devestating than two deaths.

    Additionally, the only reports I have read are from Western media whose mission still seems to blame all of the worlds badness on Al Quida. We all (here...xjws) can sense that there is much more to this does not add up at all. So really, what can we believe??

  • garybuss

    All so sad. The poor Witnesses! Don't go in service and they face the fear of the threat that Jehovah will kill them. Do go in service and they face the real threat they will be killed by terrorists. That's my definition of a double bind.

    I guess I seriously doubt they were all out there selling chemicals but if they were or not, it is still a shame and a terrible crime. I wish the survivors a safe return and I hope those responsible for this crime are punished properly.

    My regrets to the friends and families of the victims.


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    What a revealing thread.

  • deddaisy

    men dying selling cosmetics to Muslims.........

    this is almost as assinine as children dying in 2002 over loss of blood......

  • ISP

    ISP -

    I don't buy the WTS line that they were there making a living. 6 of them went out to a remote area with 2 muslim guides....Note MUSLIM guides.

    How do you explain the fact that they were with Muslim guides as supportive evidence that they weren't earning money selling avon? If anything I would say the complete opposite of your suggestion since I can't imagine 2 Muslim guides taking a group out into the field ministry to show them around the Abu Sayyaf's neighborhood.

    I don't doubt they did have WT and Awakes, many witnesses carry them wherever they go hoping to informal witness. I think the point of the official statement was that they were not their on official WT business or sent specifically to that area by the WT.

    Dubs don't use their own initiative.

    Just a little bit of a generalization there.

    Amac..........the muslim guides were to show them the area and be an interface. The official statement was on the lines of...'We have not sent any missionaries there'.....true no doubt...but doubletalk. They were not missionaries. They had not graduated Gilead.

    Dubs wouldn't use there own initiative in these circumstances. It would be 'untheocratic'. No generalisation.


  • Dia

    But the Avon Corporation says they weren't working for them either.

    'Oh what a tangled web we weave....'

  • Dia

    Ella - where is the story about the twin towers?


    Hey Amac,I can see from your post and other posts on other threads.You don`t think people should be responsible for their own actions and you like to tell people how life works.Not a good combination..I hope you were never put into a position to watch over peoples lives..It`s people with an attitude like yours that get themsevles killed..It`s people with an attitude like yours that sent those dubs to their death...OUTLAW

  • amac

    Jst_me -

    So, while the acts seem heinous, lets remember that what these preaching groups do is destroy traditional indigenous societies, and those effects are much more devestating than two deaths.

    Yes, but those effects aren't brought about by force such as these deaths were. Unless these religous fanatics are forcing people to follow them they do not deserve anything more than being exposed and then ignored. These actions certainly don't match beheading people for not following your belief.

    ISP -

    Dubs wouldn't use there own initiative in these circumstances. It would be 'untheocratic'. No generalisation.

    Unless I am misunderstanding you, I disagree. I know many JWs that have even moved to other countries to serve where the need was greater without official assignment. Many years ago, my wife and I were even set up to go serve on a remote island without official sanction until some unrelated circumstances changed our plans. In fact, I knew more people that served in areas without being "sent" there than people who were official missionaries.

    Ella -

    But funny when the twin towers fell, the reports from people in Bethel themselves was, they locked the door on the people, not letting anyone in. What kind of people hide behind locked doors in complete safety, but send innocent, unknowing people, with false hopes, out into such violent areas???

    I have heard others on this site say that, but then again I have heard reports from JWs saying the exact opposite. I have not seen any news or substantiated reports on this anywhere else. Do you have proof of this or were you a witness of this or are you just repeating unverified stories that you have heard?

    And Last and definitely least OUTLAW,

    You are an idiot and your font is too large. Your sad attempt to shift the blame for this horrible event to the JWs and the WT is evidence that you are consumed with your hatred for them. You should consider seeing a therapist to get over it and move on with your life. Your shift of blame is akin to blaming the parents and children who get killed by drunk drivers for putting themselves in a situation where they knew that might happen. It's not the drunk driver's fault is it? It's the stinking parents and the stupid kids....they knew when they got in that car and hit the freeway that eventually they would be in the vicinity of a drunk driver! They deserve what they got....crash, crash.

    I imagine that when you were a witness, you were one of those jerk witnesses that I never liked, and now you have simply evolved into a jerk apostate. Jerk.

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