When you were associated in the congregation, were you treated in a way that made you feel like you were a 2nd class citizen? How were you regarded? Were you the brunt of criticism or were you pretty much well-liked?
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Well liked as a slave, getting dirty underneath peoples cars, clearing lawns, helping the disabled.
But treated like pond scum when trying to be a MS. Spiritualy weak you know. Asked too many questions. Made too many grey heads "ponder" my qualifications.
I was tolerated or eyed with suspicion. I spent time with the spiritually weak aka depressed and I asked questions. I also put my children first - ahead of anything else. I remember going out for service and I was that last person chosen.
Eventually an elder came to the conclusion that I bewitched men. I was also quite young to have two children (19), so those my age didn't want to be with me cos I was married with kids; and the older ones didn't want to be with me cos I was younger - with kids. I just never fit in, except for being there for the depressed ones, which of course, was looked down upon.
MIMILY, what do you mean about bewitching men? You've mentioned this before.
Minimus - I use the word 'bewitch' because that is exactly the way the elder said it to me. It was as though I had a power over men and they couldn't help themselves around me - hence, my abuse.
So somehow, it was inherintly my fault due to my 'bewitching' powers. Utterly rediculas, then and now.
Sorry for being stupid, but could you be more specific?
This one elder knew I'd been abused in the past by more than a few men, as well as my first husband who was eventually welcomed into the fold.
He said, and I remember cos I looked at him as though he had far too many heads to be human, that men could not help themselves around me - in other words, they became my pawns, needed me sexually, that they could not resist the combination of youth/attractiveness combined with maturity beyond my years. He said they couldn't help themselves as far as abusing me or wanting me enough to either covet or actually act on their weakness aka 'me'.
It was all bs. I was being blamed for their abuse of me. Yes, perhaps I was and am a paradox of sorts, being young etc with maturity beyond years, coming out of abuse yet being a loving person blah blah blah.... but it was not my fault; i did not ask for it. ETC.
Maybe some of the brothers, out of guilt, or even the elder himself, had 'thoughts' and they talked. I don't know. I only know what he said to me, and how I was treated. I did not dress in a provocative manner. Where he came up with this.... is anyone's clue.. He was on my DFing commitee though, so maybe the perv thoughts WERE his.
mim, i am sorry to hear your story. some people are dumb, icluding this elder- shepherd.
I was always being stumbled over something. Some people liked me, the social club JW cliques never had any use for me. I was never in the "in" crowd, never close, until my last congo, but by then I was on my way out and I didn't care, maybe that's why I started to fit in a little better!
Mimilly, I think I know what the bro meant about you being bewitching. There is a sis in my area, in her 50's now, on her 4th husband (to a dude 20 years younger), men go **CRAZY** over her everywhere she goes, even now. It's more than just her prettiness, she has a certain something that mesmerizes. Men want to have sex with her so bad they'd just about be willing to die to have her one time. It isn't anything she does consciously, it's just her.
I dont know how i stumbled over this site but i know i wont be coming back! I just wanted to say this. It is sad to see that Satan is doing so well in the world. You people have literally made him smile by your example. All I can say is that you should all go and live it up now because your happiness is not going to last for long.
It makes me feel sick to hear such dis respect for Jehovah.