I have been offfline for awhile, and I must say I am quite upset, not really upset, just unsettled about what I have seen when I have returned. Have all of you lost your ever loving minds? WTF?
I remember when this place was a NICE place to come to. Where I could share parts of my life that I was embarressed to share with others. A place that people knew who I was. They had walked the road, some here still walking. Now I see utter CHAOS! And chaos only has a place in my filing cabinet.
What happened to all the support? Where is the love? Please give me URL's I will follow them and try to restore the peace I had before. Why all the fighting? Board wars, moderators wars, deactivation, deletions etc etc. How sad
This world is so HUGE, yet so small at the same time. The lives we touch with the words we say can go a long way. Please remember this.
Simon, if this is too much to handle for you, and IMO it is, shut it down. How much good can come from this? I personally have met some wonderful people, and to this day engage in their REAL lives. This fighting bickering, deleting, moderating...is this what you intended it to be?
I say take your little friends all of you have a group and disperse. The overwhelming Volume is too much for any man/woman/small child/herculean athelete to handle.Tthe amount of good that can be accomplished is swept under the rug of so much hate and sadness that many carry.
I am touched and will forever be blessed with those I have met and know here. Yet I will not be back. I can't see this place in the shambles that it is. Mucho love to all, and please, please, please stop the insanity. Our future generations depend on US!