Happy Man, I was very touched by your words. You seem to be a very good, sincere man. I am so glad that this place has helped you.
Too gone for too long:(
by Wendy 32 Replies latest jw friends
G'day Wendy,
It's good to "see" you back! Glad you're well and thanks for your good thoughts.
Personally, having seen it all, it left me a little downcast, but I'm old enough and sure enough, to leave the squabblers to it. "Where there is no fuel, the fire goes out" is a maxim I adopt in these circumstances.
Nonetheless, it's mighty good to see the bright blue skies again!
Don't fear that the board has lost it's caring community function. That's still going on, and many constant friendships have been fostered by the board, even in recent times. So please don't think that those who talk loudest are the general feeling.
Good to read ya again.
Cheers, Ozzie
Hello Wendy,
Good to have you back. Yes it was ugly for a while. I am so glad I can just ignore the fighting, unlike good people like Simon and his aids who have to deal with the mess.
I hope this place continues in the direction of a FAMILY PUB. I know many hurting jw's are dropping in here frequently and I hope they find comfort in what they see.
Lets keep the peace.
Unfortunately things like this are bound to happen. But at the same time there are many fine people who post here who can be of help and encouragement. Find those ones who are and ignore those who are not. Glad to see you back.
I concur with Jst2laws... Let's keep the peace and may I add love your neighbor as yourself...
Salud! what exactly do you mean by "luving your neighbor" hehe Is this going to turn into an orgie thread?
Sorry ((Wendy)), don't mean to hijack your good thread here. I hope you don't go. I've missed hearing from you. (btw how's the fam, especially the babe?) You know nothing is black and white, good or bad, etc. Life is like a rollercoaster, you can hang on and scream or get off and puke! There will always be highs and lows. All I can say is hang on and enjoy it.
Like others have said, the love is still here. It's the undercurrent of what makes this place tick.
I've been saddened, distressed, distraught and downright disgusted by some of the antics I've seen in the past couple of weeks. People have been hurt, and they in turn have lashed out both here and in "other" places, which only perpetuates the bad feeling, IMHO.
Things seem to have settled down for now. I noticed a concurrent bizarre business at the hospital where I work too. The ER is overflowing with nutbars - even more than usual - and the L&D is going through a similar phase. Maybe there's more to it - like those electrical waves in space going wonky - that's making whole freakin' world a basketcase....
I've missed ya, woman! Drop me an e-mail when you get some time.
Love, Scully
PS: to Professor.... LMAO @ the "the love is still here, it's just having its period" remark.
Only if you start it...
>> I have been offfline for awhile, and I must say I am quite upset, not really upset, just unsettled about what I have seen when I have returned. Have all of you lost your ever loving minds? WTF?
Hello, Wendy,
Sorry that on your return to cyberspace you see nothing but "Board wars, moderators wars, deactivation, deletions ... fighting bickering, deleting, moderating..." and not the love you'd gotten used to seeing in the past. The thing is, you may be exaggerating a minor problem -- ya know... making a mountain out of a mole hill?
Even within families, misunderstandings flare up. Life isn't like some people (jws) try to portray it where everything is fine and dandy all the time. People see thing differently, disagree, get upset, say things, do things and later on, have regrets. The more mature ones then try to make amends and then move on. That's what's happened here, nothing more.
>>> Simon, if this is too much to handle for you, and IMO it is, shut it down. How much good can come from this? I personally have met some wonderful people, and to this day engage in their REAL lives.
Yeah, you're right. This site *is* too big for one person to manage but "shutting it down" would be like burning your house down because the kitchen faucet drips or the back bedroom needs a new coat of paint. Shut it down??!!! Wow.
No, that won't be happening, thank
godSimon. Simon *does* have some help now (moderators) to keep offensive/stupid posts and personal attacks off the board (a good thing, imo). Otherwise, it's the same old place we've come to love. JW.com is bigger and better than when you were here last, that's for sure. There are many good threads going on all the time -- an even better mix than before.And yep, even though we all have REAL lives, it's still good to chat/post online with friends, even as you have taken a break from YOUR *real* life to post here.
Take care.
p.s. I saw your post "over there," you know... where you told me to "come one"? It was waay funny. I mean downright hilarious. Didn't know that "vocabularize" was a word!! Thanks. I'm working to expand my vocabulary to be as broad as yours.
If we've been on an xjw forum for any length of time, we've seen the ups & downs. And after the downs....then the lull of peace. lol - and then it seems to build up again, and so it goes.
As said by Little Toe - those people who wanted Total Freedom now have a place for them - and I hope they come back and visit here too. I've been over there, nice place. I see some of Kent's posters over there too.......and the words burning the page on some of the threads. I think that's normal - because that's what happened over at Kent's too at first, a lot of slammin' & damnin' - but then after Kent came storming in, posters settled down to their own forum. Lol, a lot of slammin" & damnin' done here too - and then it settles down, as it always does.
I hope that the forums can intermingle with some peace - afterall, we are all just people.
But honestly? For Wendy to come in here after a long time being away, coming back briefly, then going away again, then coming back for one single post to encourage this forum to be "shut down" is strange - just makes a person thing of a reason why she would do that.
I think the vast majority of posters do a fine job of trying to communicate here, and on other forums. And we can improve (which includes me)
Hey tj,
>>> Simon, if this is too much to handle for you, and IMO it is, shut it down. How much good can come from this? I personally have met some wonderful people, and to this day engage in their REAL lives.
Yeah, you're right. This site *is* too big for one person to manage but "shutting it down" would be like burning your house down because the kitchen faucet drips or the back bedroom needs a new coat of paint. Shut it down??!!! Wow.
No, that won't be happening, thank
godSimon.Well, a lot of us intermingle with others we've met here in REAL life. Whether by phone, coffee, gatherings, etc. We've made good friends, found good information.......and Simon is the reason it happened.
Good points, tj.
Edited by - waiting on 24 August 2002 10:46:24