Assholes yes. And now diapered!
by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends
I luv yor posts, but I didn't quite understand the statement you made when you said..........
"...I made 3 solid points and WTS Double Agent007's "tork outa their choc. starfish" effort to distract can't take them away. They stand...."
What did you mean?
Many fanx.
Thanks for the support.
The Jerusalem thing was true also, but to say the apostles were wrong for years desite holy spirit being visited upon them or Christian Jews in Jerusalem and nearly everywhere else did not know what they were doing sounds crazy. And this went on for over 20 years at least. But it is true. It was not so different then and now. The fact that our Lord had to select Paul from among the opposers in order to represent Him in the office of Apostle should have opened some eyes but not the Watchtowers. Jesus will pick people from such sources when necessary just as he is using all of you in His service. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Edited by - JosephMalik on 25 August 2002 9:24:13
Hey all of you! Thank you for creating a new title for those that participate in taking the symbols at the Memorial.
The one that participates becomes an Assholiness!
Oh my assholiness can you tell me the truth or are you using Theocratic Warfare Strategy?
btw, NANCEE, keep up the hard fight......we appreciate your efforts. I was just reading some of the latest wts. and km and the FDS is really being pushed hard this month.
Good point, FreeWilly.
1) FDS definition = all anointed on Earth as a group (according to the WT).
2) The "Spiritual food" = publications, talk outlines and other misc propaganda from the WT.
Ask them to define exactly what is the FDS. Ask them what is the exact mechanism that the "annointed" old ladies and old men scattered around planet use to have input into the publications. Do they communicate with Headquarters via phone? internet? fax? telepathy? The truth is that they do not have any input at all! (OK I know everyone here knows this stuff). If the little old men/ladies scattered around the planet are the FDS then something is very wrong with the spiritual food. Ask them if they ever heard of a little old anointed brother having any imput into an WT article. The FDS teaching has no resemblance with reality whatsoever. This is a fact that's not too hard to establish.
I have thought this for years and asked about this just this week. When many JWs can't explain something scripturally, they say "We must wait on Jehovah to explain it. Trust in Jehovah." Well, they can bet their life but not me.
I have to re-read COC.
Here's an example of more FDS. Wt. 10-1-02, page 22...."as we approach the great tribulation, the faithful and discreet slave remains resolved not to compromise its obedience to the Master, Christ.This includes preparing timely spiritual food for God's household. So let us continue to appreciate Jehovah's theocratic organization and what it provides."....Page 18..."by submitting to the slave class, God's people also show their subjection to the Master, Jesus Christ."
joemalik said:
Only the Master can identify this slave as faithful or evil. So the slave is simply disciples good or bad living together in the world represented by all the churches in existence. The identification and judgment of them will not be done until He comes again. Since this has not yet occurred, their claim to be such is false. It is that simple.
I have lately, last few years, sought more in common with non-witnesses rather than discuss differences, and this makes sense to me; most believers believe in Jesus, his sacrifice and importance to our worship. Why not build from there?minimus wrote:
Can you suggest easier, less complicated rebuttals to this doctrine?
not long ago, josephmalik lit me up on alt.jw, can't remember what for but now he seems pretty reasonable to me. I am sure joe hasn't changed, but until nowI was not ready to start looking and questioning and until your family/friends are, NOTHING will get through to them except small subtle things; this is what i have begun with wife and adult sons, just small things that might get them to thinking.
Oh btw Hi all, I'm relatively new here. I've been reading on for months though.
Minimus: I had to kinda corner my B-lite friend. We talked on allot of subjects. Basically he conceded to many doubts including the faithful slave. Apparently the doubts aren't enough to free him from it all though. I have found that most aren't all that concerned about the truth of things. Many will refuse to let a fact or a clear disproof change them. It would turn their entire spiritual, emotion, social and family life upside down all at once. It must be a mental defense mechanism. My hope is that it will at the very least moderate him.
Blonde: Hi You are right, most JWs are taken off gaurd if you present this to them. First off many don't know the conveluted FDS definition.
It goes like this. FDS = annointed on earth as a group. The "Food" is the publications etc. The "Domestics" that they serve this crap to are ALSO the annointed, but this time as individuals. (hows that for circular reasoning)
I remember at Pioneer school our pompus condecending CO had to explain this about 5 times! There is a section in COC on it. Nobody disects it better.
Nice Meetin everyone.