WT 8 26 02 Study Article--Review

by blondie 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    WT 8/25/2002


    In days gone by, the WT study article scriptures were quoted in entirety sometimes taking a separate paragraph. Nowadays, there are mostly snippets, only the part they want to emphasize), citations (for the publisher to look uphahathey are lucky the publisher reads the article), and occasionally when it is unavoidable, a complete scripture is quoted. What is missed here is seeing the scripture in context or seeing it at all. Interestingly, the theme scripture is a snippet.

    Paragraphs 1-4

    Growing up is the theme. Progressing from spiritual babes to being full-grown.

    "Spiritual growth . . . begins with taking in accurate knowledge of Gods Word and acting in harmony with what we learn." I can accept that. Then the quote in entirety 2 Peter 1:5-7. Good thing, since that is the basis of the article

    EnduranceParagraph 5-6

    Once again the WTS points out, "As those living with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus, WE EXPECT TO BE PERSECUTED."

    "We must endure if we are to PROVE OUR LOVE FOR JEHOVAH."

    "Without endurance, we will not gain everlasting life." Always once, usually more times the WTS lets us know what is important, our own everlasting life. God and Jesus do not figure in this.

    While in days gone past the WTS said Millions Now Living Will Never Die, now the mantra is "Yes, we must endure to the end, whether that is to the end of our present life or to the end of this wicked system of things."

    "We cannot please Jehovah and we will not (here it comes) gain everlasting life."


    Note this: "We must worship Jehovah exclusively, allowing nothing else to occupy his position in our heart." Not even the organization!

    "Jehovah does not force us to worship him" but his organization will.


    Note again: "Our relationship with him continues to be the most important thing in our lives (not the organization.)"


    "demonstrate the depth of our godly devotion" prove, show, by our "works"?

    Another mantra "regular Bible study, meeting attendance, and participation in the field ministry" (or another trinity)

    "Neglecting any of them may bring on spiritual sickness"

    Satan targets individual JWs (ergo their fascination with demon manifestations), "Satan targets those practicing godly devotion."


    "Materialism. . . could embolden some to take improper advantage of the trust show by fellow believerswe might even wrongly conclude that it is all right to press a prosperous Christian for a loan that we are unlikely to be able to repay."

    (Are they saying that there are a lot of deadbeats among Gods people?!!)

    "Pursuit of pleasuresome benefitsyet such rewards are small compared (are you ready for #3?) with everlasting life.

    "Turn away from such individualslovers of pleasure"

    "Alcohol, drug abuse, immorality" (another trinity in the WT lexicon)

    "Discouragementresentment when we feel slighted or have been strongly chastised or disciplined." (In other words, discouragement is your fault.)

    "Misunderstandings and personal offenses may cause anxiety and move some to isolate themselves." "Bearing grudges or harboring ill will" (Nothing is ever said directly to the ones causing the problem to shape up.)

    "A breach can be healedif we ask forgiveness and admit that we handled matters improperly." (Do you think the WTS will ever apologize for how they have handled child molestation?!)

    FOLLOW JESUS EXAMPLE (Paragraphs 19,20)

    "Trials will beset us, but they do not have to sidetrack us from the race for (#4) everlasting life."

    "Endurance and godly devotion work together in helping to make our (#5) salvation sure."


    5 pictures showing "Godly devotion is displayed in many ways"

    1. Young white man in shirt with open collar without tie holding up a Bible (not a natural pose, he couldnt hold it in that position for more than 60 seconds)
    2. Young black woman praying
    3. Young mother and child visiting an older ill man (men are never shown visiting the ill; in practice few brothers/elders I know will step into a hospital)
    4. White missionary (no tie or suit coat, open shirt) studying with a black man in African setting (did the brothers in the US, UK, Canada, Australia leave their suitcoats on in the heat of summer?)
    5. Asian congregation during meeting (this is suspicious because people are sitting in the front row; here in my area no one sits in the first 3 rows)
    6. The shadow of a concentration camp uniform rounds out the pictures to remind you of their "godly devotion."

    3 picturesBeware of threats to your godly devotion

    1. White hands caressing a large pile of cash (GB?)
    2. Cigarettes and booze (Bethelites are some of the biggest boozers I have ever met)
    3. A woman hiding in her house (isolating oneself)(probably sees the elders coming to 'encourage' her.)

    Suggestions for those doomed to go to the WTS.

    Count how many times getting "everlasting life" is emphasized. (10 points)

    Count how many snippets of scriptures there are. (1 point each)

    20 points = get a hot fudge sundae on the way home

    30 points = stop at the pub and get the beverage of choice

    over 30 points = one Sunday meeting off, go to the beach or the equivalent

  • minimus

    BLONDIE, ONCE AGAIN, you save us from having to go to a Sunday meeting.....could you transcribe and transliterate the public talks too?

  • heathen

    I think that their idea of spiritual growth is more like not questioning the society, to accept everything they say as undisputed fact .I notice they didn't mention prayer as something that is very important in spirituality .

  • blondie
    could you transcribe and transliterate the public talks too?

    minimus, unfortunately (or fortunately) as a woman, I have no access officially to the outlines. I could hardly top some of the stupid things I have heard lately said by the public speakers.

    Per one speaker, did you know that while the world has a divorce rate of 1 out of 2 marriages yearly, that JWs don't have that problem at all? I counted divorces over the last 2 years in my region and came up with an amazing number (and I'm not in the social know). I wonder if the speaker is counting the number of JWs that are legally separated; he should because that seems to be the trend. Did you find that as an elder?

  • blondie

    heathen, that could be true about prayer. Of course, these are just my comments (in parentheses and without quotes) plus their comments in quotes. I tried typing the whole thing (no scanner). Now I just bring out the highlights. They did show a picture of a woman praying. Based on the quality of public prayers lately, I don't think they are seen as words to God but as a way to impress humans on earth. (Lately too prayers of non-witnesses have been said to be not heard by God, unless they are praying for JWs to visit them, then JWs show up that same day.)

    Prayers are very mechanical and repeat many buzzwords nowadays.

  • minimus

    Hi Blondie, From my experience I did not see all that many divorces amongst JW's and the speaker probably didn't have that from the outline.

  • blondie

    That's true, minimus, we must not deviate from the outline. But we have had quite a few divorces here and "legal separations" which is a way of getting around a divorce but protects from financial obligations of the other spouse. Also, I understand that when people are DF'd or DA'd first, then get a divorce is may not be counted.

    The congregation he came from has had 3 legally separated couples this year alone. The elders in this area have received specific instructions in how to deal with them. But you are right in that that information will not be made public because it makes the organization look bad. There are a lot of unhappy marriages that are only staying together because sanctions would be placed on them if they did not.

    I'm glad your area is not plagued by this problem. I counted those my age group that married, and it is about 45 to 50 percent divorces. It was that rush into marriage group just before 1975 so that may be part of it.

  • onacruse

    I know this topic has nothing to do with divorce, but since blondie is willing, I'll add my 2 cents:

    I've not kept records, but a significant number (I would guess approx 30-40%) of all JWs I've known in this area have been divorced (while JWs), or are in very precarious marriages. Includes many that I would "never have thought" would be divorced. Basically, only those couples over 60 seem to be stable.


  • abbagail

    Blondie, once again you out-did yourself! This makes Watchtower study especially enjoyable with your inserted commentaries!

    I especially got a big laugh out of your comments here:

    3 pictures Beware of threats to your godly devotion
    1. White hands caressing a large pile of cash (GB?)
    2. Cigarettes and booze (Bethelites are some of the biggest boozers I have ever met)
    3. A woman hiding in her house (isolating oneself)(probably sees theelders coming to 'encourage' her.)

    And what a revelation to learn the WT does indeed believe in their own version of the Trinity! LOL!



  • blondie

    Thanks, GRITS. It's nice to be able to share these thoughts. Trinities...I noticed that as a child how certain things were emphasized in threes.

    Next week will be interesting.

    I work as a researcher and an editor so know that nothing is an accident in an article. The WTS is so manipulative. Do as we say, not as we do.

    The child abuse issue drew me here. I found I had much in common with many of the people here.


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