You think this a serious post about flame wars, don't ya. "I made you look, you dirty crook. I turned you in. I turned you out. I turned you into sauercrout." No, no, no. This is pure fluff. This about what you like to cook over flames, and do you prefer charcoaled or gas grilled?
Starting the flames
by larc 22 Replies latest jw friends
You are Sir, quite a character.
Best regards - HS
Ok, ok, ok Larc. I'll "bite".
Steaks. Perferably New York. Or Ribs marinated in beer.
Hillary, yep I am that, quite a character. There is a method to my madness. Fluff is good during hard times, and we have had them around here lately. I could go into my gallows humor, but that might be a bit much. For example, it is very tragic that two JWs were beheaded in the Phillipes, but after all, they should not go to birthday parties. Now, that joke of mine is sick.
Gas is convenient--no waiting.
Charcoal is traditional--lot's of waiting though.
Wood fires--I love cooking over a wood fire when camping (on vacation, waiting is no problem)
Love chicken and bratwurst (soaked in beer). Ribs too--best charcoaled. Ever smoked a turkey?
(What? Larc, were there birthday parties involved? Or is all of it a joke. I heard that the WTS (officially) did not send them in.)
Edited by - Blondie on 25 August 2002 16:17:4
Ever smoke a turkey? I tried to smoke Farkel once, but he wouldn't still long enough.
Bendrr! One of my favorite subjects!
Charcoal definitely. If you want gas, buy a gas stove!
I put down a layer of Jack Daniels Wood Smoking Chips and the charcoal on top of it.
Speaking of which, I'll be grilling a couple of rainbow trout filets this evening.
Bendrr, trout cooked over Jack Daniel's wood chips. That sounds wonderfully wonderful.
Mike, is that an invitation to dinner?
Hey BG, I love New York STRIP Steaks. If I broil one for you, will you strip for me? How do you want it cooked, well done, medium, or rare?