thanks 4 sharing --- but I could care less what the WT ORG rape policy is as I have my own RAPE POLICY and certainly do tend to live by it too damn it!! Once I get to a going it is the rapist who will be screaming blue murder not me U guys !!! queenie
Watchtower's RAPE Policy
by UnDisfellowshipped 54 Replies latest members adult
If a woman doesn't scream in order to save her own life she is guilty (according to WTS). But what if a woman doesn't scream if a MALE is threatened? If she is raped to protect a man than is she free from guilt?
WT 1956 2/1
Remember how Lot offered to let the howling mob of Sodomites have his two marriageable or espoused daughters for their lust in order to protect the lives of the two men whom he had as guests in his house. (Gen. 19:1-8) Remember how the old man of Gibeah offered his virgin daughter and his guests concubine to a like mob of Benjaminites in order to protect the religious Levite whom he was entertaining. Finally the Levite himself took his concubine wife, whom he was taking back home, and put her outside the house at the mercy of the mob, to her death. (Judg. 19:1-3, 10-28) So Abraham represented Sarah as his sister to prevent violent controversy over his wife. Sarah recognized Abraham as her lord and agreed to the arrangement, willing to take the consequences of the arrangement. She was willing to do her part to preserve the life of Jehovahs prophet , with whom He had made his covenant
Also I tried to find a Question from Readers regarding Lot's Daughters. It my memory it said something to the effect that Jehovah apparently viewed the assualt of a male as worse than the rape of a woman. Couldn't find that info. Does anyone have it?
Edited by - nanoprobe on 26 August 2002 11:25:50
Cappuccino OC
I had never thought about the blood issue being under the Mosaic Law. Duhh! Wait till I tell my JW mom this holiday weekend. She's flying me & my daughter to visit her out of state. Yes. THanks for the great info. I will use it.
The WTS teachings are BULLSH . It goes back to the boys club way of thinking. Blame the female for everything she is a lesser being in the eyes of the congregation ( which is taught). Which us women know is not true.
I think the funniest thing would be that God did turn out to be a woman.Could you imagine, the Boys Club at Bethel explaining their stance to God then ? Man has turned us into the "weaker" sex, we may be physically weaker in some ways and much more stronger in others. But we are much stronger than they give us credit for, and I think they are threatened by it.
This flip-flop policy makes me sick. I wonder if it's written/decided by one of the 23,000 pedos.
In ancient Israelite cities---- there were no automobile/traffic noise, no airplanes overhead, no concrete trucks pouring next door, no televisions, no radios, in fact, not even any glass in the window openings. Also women didn't work outside the home, children didn't go to school, men didn't commute. People were all around. I f a woman screamed she had a very good chance of being heard and immediately rescued before she was injured. Notice the same law did not apply to areas where she would not be heard. Now let me think.... what has changed from that time period?
I would like to know the real reason the society is willing to apply both Jewish Law and conditions that no longer exist in order to harm women.
But I'll have to discuss it later...right now I have to go return my neighbor's bull that has wandered on to my property.
Edited by - nanoprobe on 26 August 2002 15:15:59