Watchtower's RAPE Policy
by UnDisfellowshipped 54 Replies latest members adult
I wonder if any other major religion believes this way. After all it does seem to have biblical support. This subject , in the bible and the fact that it is a historical part of jewish culture is one of the major rreasons I rejected the bible and jws. I remember studying rape in psychology and it was pointed out that rape is not a sexual act - it is an act of violence. Also many women have reported having an orgasm when raped and we discussed in class how this often causes guilt feelings in the victim, but that is a fairly common and normal occurrence in cases of rape. This of course made me talk to an elder and I also called bethel and talked to a guy who denied that it ever happens in rape cases that the victim has an orgasm. It clearly caused some dissonance in his head. Like, hey we've been disfellowshipping women who failed to scream when raped when in actuality, according to science its not even sex, yet a victim might even have an orgasm against her will. The bloodguilt against this org is great indeed.
The WTBTS can never decide whether they are Jews or Christians. DFing a person who has been raped is raping them again. If the victim is underage then it is also child abuse to df.
Aunt Fancy
Their policy really makes me sick and angry. The very first book I started reading when I was having doubts was "Awakening of a Jehovah's Witnesses: Escape From the Watchtower Society" by Diane Wilson. This book is excellent especially for women to read because she uses the WTBTS publications to show how wicked they are towards women. I read this book over a year ago and was so upset the whole time but I needed to know what was really going on.
My opinion when you disfellowship any woman or child who has been raped that is a human rights violation and child abuse for a child. The men making these policies are pretty disgusting and to be honest with you I have NO respect for them. More women need to read this book and find out the truth.
Sickening, disgusting, deplorable. Yes, HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS!
This policy needs a LOT more publicity!!!