I Don't Get It!

by John Aquila 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bonsai
    30 virgins? Do you live in the middle east? I gotta hopeless JW male friend who could use some help. Where is that congregation again?
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila


    Bonsai 3 minutes ago
    30 virgins? Do you live in the middle east? I gotta hopeless JW male friend who could use some help. Where is that congregation again?

    Juarez Mexico, tons of young single sisters. If you go there, you go at your own risk.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Maybe those sisters can marry each other. Some new light might come out on that subject. Either that or polygamy.

  • brandnew
    Dude is probably broke, and needed a surgar momma......is that the case?
  • OrphanCrow

    Uummmm...you have a religion where 12 year old boys have more authority than any woman of any age. The boys have been groomed from a very early age to feel, at the very least, equal to or better than older women.

    No surprise that young JW men are marrying older women. They feel superior to ALL women - that is how they have been raised.

    Many factors can be at play as to why they chose the older woman over the younger one - each case is different. But, what has been established by the JW patriarchal rule system, is that a younger man has authority over all women older than him. I can see that it would make perfect sense for many young JW men, regardless of what motivates them.

  • sowhatnow

    lmao, [spiritual cougars]

    so then all the older guys can go after the younger women if the younger men go after the older women?

    gee im almost divorced, im 53 but look younger, so

    maybe i should go back and get me a young fella to toss me around the sheets ? lol.

    what woman in their right mind does that unless they are 'settling' ?

    what i will never get is why, if older women like myself have the 'drive and desire' and 'experience',

    the men our age who seem to have the 'drive and desire' to get with the younger woman

    cant please the women their own age as well?

    I have a young man interested in me , and i cant imagine the difficulty I would encounter, as well as he would, having a 20 year difference. i cant go there. its just to weird. Id feel like i was simply 'settling ' because there may not be someone my age to date. thats not fair.

    that will strain any relationship. hes just getting his adult life started. he doesn't realize what he stands to miss out on if he got involved with someone my age.

    im done with all the employment ups and downs. the job changes the moving around, the unemployment the bills, ect. two young married people need to grow together.

    im not working my a@@ off till im 90 so i can help pay a whole new mortgage loan. I already work enough. not to mention the student loans the debt, the home renovations.

    i have to work now, being single, i have no energy for all that. it would be like repeating my young adulthood. i dont want that , been there done that.

    but gee seems these days

    stacys mom has got it going on.... lol

  • FayeDunaway

    Some men just like a more mature woman. Maybe their personalities go great together and they love eachother. Plus she has a good job and a home, kinda takes the pressure off.

    im so not an ageist, whatever people want to do.

  • LisaRose

    Who knows why people pick who they do? I knew of a similar case years ago. The woman was much older (older than his mother) and had mental health issues, bi-polar. The brother was young and stupid and horny. His family and friends begged him to reconsider but he did it anyway. She openly admitted she really just wanted sex, and older women are usually more comfortable with their sexuality, so you could guess that might have been the attraction. It ended as expected, they were separated within a year. Unfortunately she quickly had a baby, so he not only couldn't get a scriptural divorce, he had to pay child support and be tied to this person for the rest of his life.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Remember: They believe in eternity and that flesh will become fresher than in their youth in the new system. Age won't matter.


    Older women pay more attention to these brothers than the young women.

    Older women are more self-assured, confident and younger men find that very attractive.

    The young women are more physically beautiful, but are less secure and often play games.

    Anyway, who cares? They are not gonna have children..they're waiting for the new system... and that's a good thing as they won't be raising a new crop of JWs!

  • Diogenesister
    t seems like there is a lot of confusion these days among JW as to what a generation is and which one you belong to. Also, these young Brothers are tired of waiting for the "New System" and the promise or having their own pet Lion and they've settled for a "Cougar" in the here and now. PETE ZA HUT second funniest post after 'the old rugged dot' JOHN AQUILA. 1) Older men seem to loose their judgement over what 'a looker 'is. I know I have. I put it to you that someone you find attractive now (ie under 30. Enough) you wouldnt have when u were younger. 2)Elders of 25 to 30 (total power)with low self esteem.REALLY?????? 3)Forgot that just because men have left the org doesnt stop them being sexist w@#*@!s.

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