Caleb & Sophia RC badges

by oppostate 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheListener

    Teens are cynical. Once a kid has aged past Caleb and Sophia (which is probably younger then the wts thinks) the wts has nothing to offer them.

    Older kids are pretty media savvy these days and I agree with other posters that teens and preteens know when they are being fed propaganda.

    I really wouldn't be surprised to see the wts institute some sort of after meeting or before meeting Sunday school. It may only be 25-30 minutes but it would a video, short discussion and a fun craft. They know they need to get young kids to want to go to the kingdom hall. The kid begging to go gets the parents motivated and attending.

    They are working hard to improve their youth retention rate.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    It's a real cheap way for the Governing Body to portray it's self as kiddie friendly it's like a politician's kissing babies to get the mommy vote of approval.

  • TheListener
    But as with all things in dubland the newness of these videos, tablets and jwdotorg will wear off and full on apathy will resume.
  • moomanchu

    What do little kids always want to do?

    They want to hang out with or be viewed as bigger kids or adults.

    Unbaptized kids get kiddy badges.

    Baptized big cool kids get adult mature badges.

    It's totally about getting kids to commit to the cult earlier.

    If these are not official WTS sanctioned badges, I could easily see WTS

    running or allowing an unofficial test program to see what kind of feedback they get.

  • Wasanelder Once
  • sir82

    I really wouldn't be surprised to see the wts institute some sort of after meeting or before meeting Sunday school.

    Really? You wouldn't be surprised?

    It would completely gobsmack me.

    The WTS hates children, and wishes they didn't have to deal with them. If there were a way to put them in suspended animation and wake them up at age 20, ready to pioneer, they'd do it.

    Living in an institution for 20, 30, 40, 50 years where no children are allowed, and pregnancy results in immediate dismissal, and yeah, you will view children as a nuisance at best.

  • goingthruthemotions

    LOL, what a shame, brainwashing the youth.

    So we went to the Assembly without wife asked me. where are our badges? didn't you get some? i said no! didn't you? so i asked, when did this become my responsibility?

    end of conversation and we didn't end up having any badges, which was great.

    i hate this cult!!!!!!!!!

  • Diogenesister
    I agree sir82, wbt$ is known for its fingers in the ear "nah nah nah nah I can't hear you" kids don't exsist attitude (as with everything else). Making kids sit through those interminable meetings is one of their proudest boasts. Without so much as a teddy to distract them and no complaints or they are out the back of the KH for 10 mins of the biblical ROD FOR COMPANY.
  • TheListener
    Sir82 years ago I would have agreed with you but I don't think this GB has the same lack of forsight that the previous guys had. They seem to know that their growth will come from the inside and they need to stop the youth from leaving. I think a short youth centered meeting or gathering at the KH before or after the Sunday meeting will eventually be started. And the kids will still have to sit through the adult meeting just like before. Getting kids indoctrinated early is the name of the game.
  • oppostate

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