Is it me or are people giving them a wide berth?
Apathy trollies in my city.
by punkofnice 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You'd have better odds betting your life at the Ladbrokes! Is this Peterborough town centre Punk? -
rip van winkle
Geez, I'm just glad I woke up before these trolley-cart-peddlers-ware-shows began.
So embarASSing.
nic - Peterboro it is - you know it? PM me if you wish. I might know you...just forgot who you are.....l am rather old and grumpy. -
rip - you have been asleep 100 years...come on..ho ho ho -
stan livedeath
there was a kart in my village outside the co-op the other day----i cant be sure but i think it was my 1st wife that was in attendance. been years since ive seen her.
i think most people who do give it a glance just think its yet another bunch of nutters. they could be right.
I noticed the Starbucks in the background. Goes without saying. -
Stan - Kart? Get you hahahaha. They are discarded WBT$ vending machines. I NEVER see anyone approach them....of course that doesn't mean they don't.....just what I've see.
JWLeaks - Yes. Even in the UK Starbucks is there. Probably an arm of Watchtower corporation hahahaha
The Searcher
Peterborough is where the Org bought a property in recent times, via "devious" means wasn't it?
Some other religion was selling it, and refused point blank to deal with J.W.'s, so some "businessman" acquired it under whatever pretences, and sold it immediately to the Org for a tidy little profit! That's the story we heard!
Of course it was Jehovah's hand in the matter - nothing to do with deceitful practices.
stan livedeath
Punk----its the Kult Kart Krew