RC musings - my impressions

by Doubting Bro 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Londo111
    They will come back as indoctrinated as ever, I'm sure.
  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro
    Yeah and I'm sure you will be getting that Return to Jehovah brochure. Ugh.
  • paladin1
    Our RC starts this Friday on July 10 in Saskatchewan. Being a fader the fingers will be pointing at me and others. I noticed last year's RC was a lot thinner with regard to attendance and this RC could be more so. It seems that all WTS conventions continue to bring up the topics like guilt and fear and doing more giving more.
  • _Morpheus

    "Oh, by the way, parking really sucks this year. They are doing construction in the area and some streets around the venue are closed. At least no one was working Friday and I didn't burn a vacation day."
    nice. Son of a bi%%%%%%%%

  • steve2

    What stands out from your helpful overview of the program is the cluelessness of the "higher ups" to the problems in the organization. Brothers increasingly not reaching out for positions of responsibility? Let's use guilt to motivate them. Some are not doing or giving as much as they "should" or "could"? Let's guilt them.

    The old FOG is trotted out year after year: Fear, Obligation and Guilt. It sounds, though, like it's falling increasingly on unresponsive ears.

    Lower than usual attendances? And conspicuously few baptisms. Hmmmmm. A trend observed by others on here at other RCs this summer.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Oh, I can't believe I forgot the most important takeaway. JWs are obsessed with tablets!!! I kid you not, I have never seen a larger concentration of individuals with tablets in my life. Does the WTS own stock in Apple? It seemed like every other person had a tablet out. Plus people also had their phones out. Of course, many had the stupid JW app but I saw several surfing other sites. Many kids were playing games on theirs.

    If you ever see an 80 year old with a tablet, there's a 99.9% chance they are a JW.

    They had 2 new songs that you had to go to their website to get the lyrics. That's one way to drive up traffic.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro
    Morpheus - Compared to last year's venue, the parking wasn't bad. It didn't take 2 hours to get away this year!
  • _Morpheus
    Lol but DB, last years venue was 15 min from my house!!!! The traffic was a non issue for me 😪
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Doubting Bro;

    I'm just curious as to what day or when they had those parts at the Convention to men who were not MS or Elders. I can't recall hearing anything about that from our Convention.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Beth Sarim,

    I think it was Sat that they specifically went on a rant about not reaching out. I believe it was the part of the symposium about following Jesus at a distance? The speaker said if you were a baptized male that was not reaching out, you were guilty of following Jesus at a distance and he inferred that you may not make it through the big A. There were also other parts sprinkled in that talked about needing men to take the lead.

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