Will everyone stop wearing clothes?

by plmkrzy 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    Well if all the women around here stopped wearing clothes and I also did. I guess I know where I'd hang my hat.

  • Solace

    OMG, This is SO funny!

  • kenpodragon

    If they do stop wearing clothes. I hope they do not sit on a vinyl seat on a hot summer day. OUCH!!

  • Francois

    But could you just IMAGINE the birth rate? We'd be up to our chins in youn'uns in about 18 months.

  • ballistic

    PLM I think you got the wrong end of the wotsit about barbequing a sausage. If you're a naked chef at a barbeque... Oh never mind - I can't explain.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    From Memory I believe that after the 1000 years end human sexuality will fade and die. there will be no sex. Now this being the case, one would expect that the differences between the sexes will fade too. Breasts will become redundant. Penises will serve no purpose other than to urinate ( if indeed we will still need to urinate ) Hard physical labour will be unnecessary and so the muscular male body will grow softer. It would seem that we might move towards a uniform androginous appearance. We will all wind up looking like the little grey aliens in UFO lore.

    Will finger nails be necessary in a world where there is no pain? Will there still be pain if you stub your toe? What if you go rockclimbing and fall 50 feet, what is going to prevent you being killed? Perhaps it will be like that John Boorman movie "Zardoz" where, in the perfect world, you can be injured and killed, but you just keep getting rebuilt and so are deathless that way. That was an interesting film actually, it was very much in the vein of what life might be like in the dubbies 1000 year paradise.

  • FiveShadows

    I remember this question being said when i was still a Jw...and found it that most sisters didn't want to stop wearing clothes...and most brothers did....gee i wonder why...? ~FS

  • plmkrzy


    PLM I think you got the wrong end of the wotsit about barbequing a sausage.

    Well heck does that mean there will be planes in the new system since SOMETHING flew right over my head while you were barbQing your ##cough## sausage.

    plum of the better late then never class.

    RF We will all wind up looking like the little grey aliens

    LOL Then poor LB can wear his hat on his head again

    By the time we all get through with the new system it won't look very good at all.

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 2 September 2002 1:57:33

  • Elsewhere


    If home is where you hang your hat then... OMG!

  • razorMind

    I hope we can have a choice. I hate wearing clothes.

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