Actually I do like swimming in the buff. Don't care to do it around fish though. Or snakes
Will everyone stop wearing clothes?
by plmkrzy 51 Replies latest jw friends
That is both interesting and disturbing.
And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.
Now, If J's ass can be seen, it means that he wears no clothes, at least in the back. Maybe he wears a mask.
Now, If J's ass can be seen,
LOL@Faraon Were going to all be mooned by god!
Some of us better keep our clothes on. Even in paradise, all men are not created equal
I hang (pun intended) out at a nude beach all the time. I feel that nudity is our natural state. Clothes were a price to pay by our ancestors who decided to investigate outside of their climatic comforts zone. Interesting paradox, that the most adventursome of our ancestors were the first to cover up, and today it is the more adventuresome among us who uncover.
Nudity is an excellent idea; clothes interfere with the orderly passing of gas and the release of bodily fluids/solids. Taking them on and off eats a lot of time that could be better spent on top of the can with a good dirty magazine and a beer. Let's legalize nudity!!!!
I already stopped wearing clothes he he
Sigh............. Sometimes I wonder about us...........