Scooter, but then what does "time indefinite" mean in the Bible. Not necessarily forever. Also, were the Christians bound by the Law code? No, in fact, Paul later eloquently argues that Christians are not under law. In the Bible, it speaks of the Law code being done away with when Jesus provided the ransom sacrifice. So Christians were not bound by any reference in the Law code regarding blood (regardless what the WTS infers).
My understanding is that what culminated in Acts 15, was basically this, were Gentile Christians required to follow part of the Law, in this case, regarding circumcision. Next, were Gentile Christians required to follow any other part of the Law. And finally, and this had to be repeated several times in the Bible, are any Christians, Gentile or Jewish, required to follow the Law code. (This question is still hotly debated by many Seventh Day Adventists.)
So even if one proves that the scriptures regarding blood in the Law code are not binding on Christians (which they aren't), then we have to deal with Acts 15 where Christians are told to abstain from blood (I was surprised that my 16 online Bibles, except for one uses that phrase "abstain from blood")
But then it is off to the races to define what "abstain from blood" means especially since hemoglobin-based products are now permitted by the WTS to its members.