Catholics cannonized the Bible, right?

by StinkyPantz 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • seedy3

    Although all of the books of the bible, including the Hebrew/Old Testiment have authors attributed to them, there has been no evidence that any of them were written by their supposed authors. The Greek/New Testiment was much written much after the time of the apostles, with the exception of some of the epistles attributed to Paul. All of the NT were written pseudepigraphiclly, meaning no author took the credit for the writing, and they were given someone else's name as author.

    The Gospels all of which, except for Mark, were written long after the apostles had to of died. The real jest of the situation with Christianity as we now know it, is that it is not a religion started by any one named Jesus, or Yehushuha, it was really started by Paul, and his followers. One breif point of evidence is "Who wrote most of the NT?" Paul and some of his followers, Mark and luke were followers of Paul, so right there we have the attribution that it is actually a Pauleian religion. I'll post some study links and reasearch to do on this, it is quite facinating (I have them bookmarked at work).


  • Yerusalyim


    That's amazing considering the early church fathers quoted from these same gospels.

    Actually John Mark was Peter's disciple, not Paul's I quite easily accept Mark being written around AD 64-70 and the last gospel being completed by AD 100 some of the later epistles might have been as late as AD 120.

    Edited by - Yerusalyim on 1 September 2002 21:10:3

  • Mac

    Yeru, They quoted from the apocryphyal books of the new test. not the four gospels.

  • StinkyPantz

    Thanks for all the answers.

    But, I was mainly wondering what JW's thought about this information. Have they just accepted the books that the Catholics chose to include? Aren't they afraid that this false religion didn't include the right books or altered them?

  • Mac

    There's hardly an original thought contained in all the witness literature. They are to religion what Milton Berle was to fellow comics!

  • Yerusalyim


    There are direct quotes from, amongst others, the Gospel of John.

  • Robdar

    Slaughtered the Gnostics? How? The Gnosticism was pretty much defeated as a heresy before the "Church" had any power or authority.


    In the 13th century, the Cathars (or Albigensiens) were a Gnostic sect that arose in southern France. They were wiped out by the church in a crusade. One particular massacre gave rise to the saying by Simon de Montfort, the leader of the Catholic army, "kill them all let and God sort them out".

    Here are a couple of links you may find interesting:

    In my previous post, I have recalled some of the history of the Book of Enoch erroneously for which I apologize. The second link above will help sort it out.

    Thanks for your comments.


    Edited by - robdar on 2 September 2002 1:5:33

  • YERU2

    The Gnostics were a heresy that grew up along side orthodox christianity. These heretics were defeat long before the Church had any type of secular authority. As to the Cathars, etc, these were killed as much for their political opposition as religious. (Not that I condone either).

  • bigboi

    Hi Stinky:

    Have they just accepted the books that the Catholics chose to include?

    I would say so. If I were still a JW I'd rationalize this by saying that God merely took care of that because although Christianity had apostaticized for the most part there were still some anointed around that God used to make sure that the proper Canon was preserved.

    Aren't they afraid that this false religion didn't include the right books or altered them?

    I guess I already kinda answered this one. I'll just bring out that the JW's believe that the selecting of the anointed continued from Pentecost all the way down to 1935. I guess they figure that some faithful anointed were around that Jehovah could use.

  • Robdar

    The Gnostics were a heresy that grew up along side orthodox christianity. These heretics were defeat long before the Church had any type of secular authority.


    The Gnostics are a pre-Christian as well as post-Christian sect. They existed prior to Christianity worshipping Greek and Egyptian gods. They then adapted their beliefs to Christianity.

    While they were outlawed by the secular authority of the church, they still survived in isolated pockets. Occasionally those pockets would break out into larger areas such as the Cathars.


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