Yes, I know, im back........ kind of - it was a short retirement wasnt it? Well, I had a discussion with a JW friend not long ago and I need some info. Is Independent thinking a disphellowshipping offense? I was told by a Jw that I can have conflicting opinions on doctrines of the org, as long as I keep it to myself. If I am not going around preaching my opinions then it is not apostasy. If an elder was aware that I felt this way, but I promised to keep it to myself, would I still be disphellowshipped? If so, is there any Wt articles that supports this?
Is independent thinking a disphelowshipping offens
by In_between_days 18 Replies latest jw friends
here you go- regardless of what a jw says this is the "OFFICIAL POSITION" and yes you can be DFed
one again we see that the avg jw has no idea what his religion teaches and what he is involved in
how sad
Today's Watchtower lesson instructs Witnesses not to think for themselves when it comes to Bible understanding:
Augest 1, 2001, p. 14, par. 8:
First, since "oneness" is to be observed, a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rater, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and "the faithful and discreet slave." By regularly taking in the spiritual food provided "at the proper time" -- through Christian publications, meetings, assemblies, and conventions -- we can be sure that we maintain "oneness" with fellow Christians in faith and knowledge. -- Matthew 24:45.
Excelent work JT!
First, since "oneness" is to be observed, a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers
Good thing Paul did not belive in such lies or we would all be keeping the LAW today. He not only had to correct Peter, but James and John and the entire Jerusalem congregation against great opposition because their teachings were wrong.
As I see it, they are taking away freedom. If you have a question, keep it to yourself. If you don't agree, keep it to yourself. Keep everything bottled up inside until you explode. Yes, this is healthy, alright.
You aren't allowed to think for yourself, because if you do think for yourself, you will see the inadequacies of the organization. I mean even in countries where freedom is taken away, they cannot stop what you "think". A person can "think" anything. What kind of freedom is that? Try to act on it, no matter how rational, and see what happens.
So, yes, by all means keep it all to yourself. Don't discuss it with even your closest friend or beloved parent or member of the family. They might, (no, they will) turn you in as an apostate. Does this sound reasonable to you? It doesn't to me. Never did, and never will. Yet, like every other "doubting" JW, it is the way of our life, until we make a stand.
Lately, I've heard so much conflicting information about this "new light" on how to treat disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals, especially family. It really isn't new light. It's old darkness. Yet, the borg will use this to try to keep the congregation together. They say one thing, write another thing, and this all changes from congregation to congregation and elder to elder. If the truth is really the truth, it would be the truth and never revert back. Many JW's now feel that they have to "revert" back to the old ways in the 80's when a very harsh stand was taken for those who stray.
The whole reason behind this was "control". Because Armageddon did not make it's intended arrival at the predicted date of 1975 (and yes, they did predict this!), they saw the numbers falling off. They had to do something to "scare" the faithful into remaining in the borg at all costs. This my folks is manipulative control of the masses. What does this remind you of?
It's difficult to break away from the borg, and it is called the borg for a very good reason. Ever watch Star Trek and the Borg that takes over the bodies of men and women and makes them programmed robots. There is no difference. The more the borg takes you over, the less of yourself you have left to work with.
Many of you are still in your "comfort zone", trying to maintain a life by existing on "two levels". This is not healthy. Eventually, your internal organs will handle this stress in all types of negative ways, and then your mental capabilities will cause you to take medicines to "make you feel better". My friends, the door is right in front of you. All you have to do is open it and go through. You don't even have to knock.
We are here for you.
Hi In-Between:
I was told by a Jw that I can have conflicting opinions on doctrines of the org, as long as I keep it to myself.
Technically, this is not correct. Many JWs believe this, either because some mistanken Elder said so, or because they deduce it from logical reasoning ... that is, "If I keep it to myself, then who will know?, for I will not be affecting others."
The April 84 or 85 Body of Elders letter clearly states that even thinking differently from the organization makes one an Apostate. The Society leaves no room for doubt. Independant thinking is totally and absolutely prohibited. To my knowledge, their position has not changed on this policy governing one's thoughts.
PS: The BOE letter is available on Kent's site at
The address is:
excellent post on this subject
it is not sad that those of us who have left know more about what they believe than they do
how sad
I favor the old Army motto: "BE ALL THAT YOU CAN BE!!!"
What is the Borg motto?
Thanks JT & Amazing those were excellent comments.
Good thread Between