It's funny you bring this little point up WT, but it's something my woman was telling me over the weekend. She's only just stopped going, and she's amazed at how relaxed the weekends are now. There's no stress of getting two kids ready for the meetings that no one wanted to go to. There's no arguing in the car on the way to or from the meeting. Our kids definitely do not miss it; they hated sitting in the KH. I don't miss the guilt. I've always felt guilty for staying home when they went. I always felt as if I should be reading the Bible or wear sack cloth and ashes to atone for my horrible sins or something. But you're right, looking back. I don't miss the intense and never ending pressure. It's really a performance demanding religon, isn't it? You've GOT to perform. All the time. And if you don't, God will hate you and then kill you. I just like having that pressure gone.