Why do men have nipples???

by Celtic 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Sorry 151 I have a confession to make...... I do enjoy hard nipples poking out rather than [other] things.

    <------ hands 151 a bath towel to take with him in the bathroom

  • Crazy151drinker

    Well if they were on their knees the nipples could wait......

    CHEV??? Nipples over er thingy??? What is this world coming too?? Speaking of.....

    [grabs towel before its to late]

  • Solace


    Im trying to make a point here!!!

  • Solace


    I know! After Mulans comment some "manly men" may be afraid they will begin lactating if their nipples are stimulated. Thats why they are so against it!

  • Beans

    The real reason is that estrogen is produced in a male fetus until a certain time period in the fetus, after this time the male hormone takes over and some other stuff, I just saew it last week on TLC!


  • ApagaLaLuz

    From the sounds of things..... looks like 151's been making a point ever since you posted that pic.....

    hey 151... are you done yet?

  • Crazy151drinker

    ....yeah im cool CHEV. Ya-know, now when people come in and bitch I really dont care. I am just sooo relaxed....ahhhhhhhh

    ...oh yeah, why do men have nipples. Well if we didnt, chicks would get all self-conscience about theirs and we would never get to see them.......

  • Solace

    Chevy, I just knew that "point" comment was gonna come back and bite me.

    I almost said I didnt want any wiseCRACKS but I deleted in midsentence.

  • ballistic

    Can I just say I haven't tried electrifying my nipples, and I wouldn't get them pierced and I definately don't even like them being messed with. Of course female nipples are for sucking obviously.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Hey Ballistic.... provided that you have the skill..... the whole nipple thing can become rather annoying.... for me anyway...... but I never get tired of another's nipples.....

    Hey 151....... pass me a towel will ya?

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