Has anyone been following events at the 2002 Earth Summit on Sustainable Development?
If, just supposing that the United States of America was totally true to it's collective overall 'spirituality', would it be able as a country, to live up to the dictates of the country's own conscience, in acting out truthfully in accordance with what God Himself expects of them to provide, to the best of their abilities, i.e. really trying to DO something about it all, rather than, side lining, procrastinating the big issues, whilst at the same time, being the largest consumeristic polluters of natural resources on the planet?
OR are they as a country proving false to their power and responsibility and ultimately their own so called faith in their God of justice?
Would you yourself, be prepared to take a 'drop' and/or adjustment in your living standards if such a mechanism could be proved true towards alleviating world poverty?
Mark Price - Community Action Network UK