Q.What does that make the "Creator" spoken of in the Bible?
A. A megalomaniacle god who requires drones for worshippers.
2. Having been described as slaying countless sinful humans, why let the "chief instigator", Satan, continue living, and living "HERE" causing problems for humans who had NOTHING to do with the original sin? For the sake of some moronic "legal case" to prove his "right-to-rule"? Also, if the "angels" can watch from the heavens, why cant satan and his folowers do the same from another vantage point
Well, I don't think it's door number one or two. There must be another door or two to look behind.
Sometime I think GOD / LIFE is like endless pages of a most wonderous novel that has yet to be fully read and explored, yet we tend to define it in absolutes by a small preface or Table of Contents. Can't be done....not in this lifetime at least....but we CAN keep reading (and seeking).