I've heard different "apostates" say that Witnesses are so brainwashed that they would kill, if ordered by the faithful slave. Do you believe this?
by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends
This question was raised once before on this forum and some people said that the Jehovah's Witnesses they knew would definitely not kill if the organization ordered them to.
I disagree with that.
I believe that if they were instructed to do so, most (not all, of course) would gladly kill and believe that they were doing a good thing, a holy thing. They would kill gleefully, willingly. After all, these are the same people who will watch their children die in the name of Jehovah so murdering in the name of this god may cause them some slight consternation, but they would do it all the same.
Unquestionably many wouldn't hesitate to kill if "Mother" told them to kill. Hell, they PRAY daily for our deaths. Killing us is the logical next step if they could get away with it and were told to do it.
Remember, they are not a Christian religion. They are a fantatical Cult whose entire future happiness rests on the greatest mass genocide in the history of humankind, and we are their foresworn enemies.
Edited by - Farkel on 5 September 2002 0:13:9
Wasn't there an article in the Wt. that expressed sorrow that we are no longer under the Mosaic Law and therefore can't stone aperson but can only disfellowship them?
A Paduan
They already do kill - there are multiple examples of behaviour that causes very ill health to others - even involving their own children. Often they could care less whether or not it contributed to physical death - as usual they lie.
They would prefer to blame God, 'leave it to hohovah'. But it is an active contribution to another's death - an active engagement in killing. As for passive killing, they withold their worldly goods every day of the week.
All for god (tm).
Edited by - a paduan on 5 September 2002 0:34:6
Let me expand on my previous post of "Ditto" to your question.
I've experienced harrasment, stalking, vandalism, trespassing, character assasination, and threats of physical violence against myself and also against my pets. (i.e. a note left on my front door read "Your cats are pretty, their fur would make lovely slippers") All of the above mentioned felonies were the acts of a JW elder. And to top it off, I was then visited by other elders of the local JW cult pod, asking me to try and understand why he had done these things, and mabey I could see things from his point of view and try and be compassionate and forgiving!
Do I believe that he would have killed me if his precious delusional cult gave him the go ahead. In a heartbeat.
Take care,
KEVIN, I would have called the police!
Lost Diamond
I know my ex who is a JW would take the first swing at me if he could....all in Jehovahs name of course!