BrotherX reveals Purpose of Door-to-Door Ministry

by Derrick 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    I guess they forgot this little scriptural gem:

    *** Rbi8 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 ***

    For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do YOU not judge those inside, 13 while God judges those outside?

    Hmmm, maybe brotherX needs a lesson in the bible.. Sounds like he is still a spiritual 'babe' :-)

    Give him some milk, it does a body good !!!!!


    You bunch of filthy apostates !! You should be proud to be Soylent Green for Bethel !


  • Derrick

    I'm enjoying your comments, but one from Quotes caused me to laugh rather ruefully:

    I have heard this reasoning before, and I'll bet there is a Quote somewhere to support it (any help, people?)

    Imagine: your average JW preparing his/her little door-to-door magazine offer, knowing that those 20 seconds will mean the difference between life and death to the householder(TM). Talk about your performance anxiety!

    That last line, that's funny, and I can totally relate to the gist of it from the standpoint of a silicon valley high-tech professional and corporate "lifer"!

    Incidentally, Quotes, your candor seems to come from the Harvard School of Hard Knocks. I've learned to live with performance anxiety myself, the emotional experience not just from working a territory on a Saturday morning but in working for silicon valley companies. Sometimes in these ivory corporate towers, I get the eerie sensation of what it's like working at Bethel, with hyper-social politics, pretending to zealously follow the corporate discipline mantra from the CEO, feigning loyalty as a "comrade" on "the team," eternally smiling. Let's not forget our melodic "Hello!" to every department comrade/member you pass in the corridors, although with one exception. I get paid a factorial of over 100 times a Bethelite's stipend, and I can go home to a house I own every day and on vacations/holidays, my own domestic little "paradise" to heal from the world and wounds inflicted from other non-worldly places on Tuesday/Thursday nights and Sunday mornings!


  • FiveShadows

    Brother X needs to meet up with Brother Y and ask him questions.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    WTS uses people. They don't care what those people are feeling, what obstacles or problems those people have, the only want results. Results equals numbers. Numbers are good since statitics can then be used to control people. The world of Jehovah's Witnesses is a dark and foreboding place wherein normal human wants and needs are to be suppressed. The individual is irrelevant, and to be sacrificed for the greater glory of the organisation. No one in that organisation cares for or about anyone else.

  • gumby

    Quote:..some goatlike ones seem as sheep, but destined for destruction in that they first accept the truth at the door, study and get baptized, are used by Jehovah to bring others into the truth, but finally reveal bad heart conditions.

    What does this translate to I wonder? Could it be...

    1.They start doubting because of truthful questions they now have?

    2.They were stumbled over being unjustly dealth with and those in the wrong got away with it?

    3.They realize the borg is a crock and no longer want to be recocognized as a dingbat.

  • jwsons

    I wish one day BrotherX open his mind a little bit wide and visit internet, then finds out himself also is "fuel" like most of us are "fuel" for the small Dishonest and Unfaithful Slave class, who are running the WacoTower and Dark Society at the moment with this greedy locomotive:


  • Makena1

    "The faithful and discreet slave class recognizes that many who associate themselves as baptized Christians really possess bad heart conditions and will eventually get disfellowshiped, or disassociate themselves, but does that stop them from being used in the interim to work the territory and gather sheep? The faithful slave knows there is nothing stopping Jehovah from burning the weeds as fuel to run the theocratic locomotive rather than burning them without deriving any benefit at all."

    I heard a similar line of "reasoning" from a temp CO in California. He was trying to explain to me why it took years to finally discover that a DO was committing adultery on a regular basis. "Sometimes Jehovah uses dynamic individuals until he has no further use for them"> Huh?


  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    I heard a similar line of "reasoning" from a temp CO in California. He was trying to explain to me why it took years to finally discover that a DO was committing adultery on a regular basis. "Sometimes Jehovah uses dynamic individuals until he has no further use for them"> Huh?

    Hehehe... Oh, gotta love JW reasoning.. They will do ANYTHING to avoid the dreaded cognative dissonance...

  • JT

    BrotherX has a VERY bad attitude. It is apparent that he is "running ahead of the Organization". The newest light on this particular subject states that the separation is to be done by Jesus and Jesus alone at (H)Armageddon, and nobody else. Which kind of obviates the preaching work, but that's a topic for another thread entirely


    excellent point- in fact io recall that wt study on sunday when jw were told that THEY ARE NO LONGER SHARING IN THE SEPARATING OF THE SHEEP AND GOATS

    I was standing at the literature counter and a MS who is a good friend of mine came up to me and said and i quote it exactly like he said it: "What the hell have we been doing all these years , just walking around the block"

    hardly does it need to be added that today this guy and myself are OUTTA THERE

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