You've gotten some incredibly good advise here and I don't know what I can offer that is different from what everyone else has said except from my own experience in life for what it's worth.
I've learned that to love and to have lost has been better than to never have loved at all. (Sorry I think that's a song or something....) :o\
I've learned that there is NO GREATER PAIN (not even childbearing) than a broken heart, and nothing better than the euphoric feeling of the body rush when two lovers...........you get the idea. ;o)
I've learned that I have found my greatest strength from my deepest sorrow, life is bitter sweet.
I've learned to pay attention to the "mistakes" I've made, learn my part in them, the what's, why's and most importantly HOW not to do "that" again.
I've learned to not let my past hold me back from experinencing the present, and that involves risk sometimes the risk is great and sometimes small. To open your heart is a risk, but to keep it closed is a shame.
I've learned to listen to my gut feelings, they are always right when my heart has betrayed me time and again.
My gut feelings about you are that you can and will do what is right for Craig just be patient with yourself. You are after all young, and have pleanty of years ahead of you, enjoy life experience it, don't be afraid of living, of loving or of recieving love. You are such a caring man already concerned with hurting someone else, with that kind of attitude I don't see how you could cause anyone hurt, just don't let it paralize you from experiencing something really sweet in your life now.
Now the big question to you is who is this woman who has stollen your heart? I wanna take her out! Just give me 5 minutes with her..............LOL Just kidding, really Craig all my best wishes for you in whatever you choose to do, somebody is mighty lucky to have captured your attention!
Wishing you the best in love and life,