Hey, I'm a publisher again

by RunningMan 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    Last night, I returned from the chess club with my son to find my wife on the phone. Apparently the congregation secretary had phoned to get our time. Not wanting to disappoint him, she put us both down for two hours.

    Now, none of us have stepped foot in a kingdom hall since April 10, and we haven't been out in service since March/01. We haven't even bothered responding for requests for time reports for several months. The secretary must be pretty dumb if he actually thinks this is a real report. Either that or the CO's visit is approaching.

    So, when the KM comes out with the national report for August in Canada, I'll be in there. Wave, when you see me.

    I was kind of hoping to get classed as inactive. Darn, now the six month clock starts all over again.

  • blondie

    Shows what is more important. Can't be irregular now can we (for nonJWs, that has nothing to do with your bowel movements).

  • The_Bad_Seed

    My condolances on your recent bad news. Try hitting a convenience store or something to get those nasty letters removed from your name...

  • LB

    Thank goodness, now you won't be destroyed at armageddon, if armageddon comes in the next 6 months. That elder may have saved your life!!!

  • Sentinel

    I appreciate your thread here. And, yes, I have often wondered myself, just how accurate those "reports" really are. What happened in your situation shows how inacurate the reports really are, even on service time.

    Oh, and by the way, would you or anyone else here happen to know if "when" a person is da'd or df'd, the number of "active" is really reduced on record. If so, then when the da'd or df'd begins being active again, are they "added back in"?

    With so many being da'd and df'd recently, it would seem that their "numbers" would reduce greatly. And, because so many will relent due to family pressure, and wanting to be "acceptable" again to loved wills, will return if only to "play the game", would this not make it seem like there would be a great influx of "new" members.

    I just have often wondered how these numbers are played with by the WTBTS.

    Glad I'm Out and Happy to be Free!


  • Scully

    You mean you didn't count the newly released book you mailed to me in July????

    boooo hooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    (just kidding!)

    Love, Scully

  • imanaliento

    now what are you doing sitting on that fence?

  • writerpen


    So, when the KM comes out with the national report for August in Canada, I'll be in there. Wave, when you see me.
    As a writer, I must say this not only makes me laugh, but is really a good sentenced invoking great imagery that is really impossible. I loved it!
  • RandomTask

    Well technically you have to report for 6 months in order to become a "regular" publisher again

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Should we all call you SIR now, Runningman?


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