Lawrence Hughes Filing Lawsuit Against WBTS

by ErieGuy 32 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    This was the lead story on the 6:00 newscast on the Global Network here in Edmonton. I'm glad to see media coverage of this situation.

    I have no idea how this kind of law suit works. How is it funded? The WT has very deep pockets, and it will be a long and difficult fight.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Farkel, your are probably right. Sure hope so.


  • Farkel

    : The slimy Watchtower lawyer (David Gnam) goes on an aggressive attack during the interview. What do we know about this son of a bitch?

    Well, we know he's a slimy Watchtower lawyer, a son-of-a-bitch and yer basic scumbag, for one thing. But I also did notice a lot of Bible-Based(tm) "love" and "compassion" in his comments for a father who just lost his very young daughter in death, though. Watchtower lawyers are very nice people. Watch the video and you'll see, folks.

    Hurling Split-Pea Soup Class

  • Dia

    Can't get the video to play for some reason.

    Been there when my brother died of Leukemia. 'Take it out', 'Put it in' and on and on.

    It's a helluva way for a family to 'deal with' a dying child.

    Thank God for the nurses and staff or no one might ever have noticed that there was a PERSON, a child, there, not just a religious debate.

  • Scully

    Video links in page:

    Edited by - Simon on 7 September 2002 9:14:50

  • ErieGuy

    Here is another EXCELLENT article. (Deleting the embedding in order to reduce thread's loadtime.)

    However, you will have to CUT/PASTE all of the URL into your browser:{AB74EEB8-866C-40AA-BA2A-E9CB8DB9370F}

    Edited by - ErieGuy on 8 September 2002 10:10:56

  • avengers

    Hey Erie: You might want to check this! I'm sure it will be very interesting for you.

  • ErieGuy


    As you continue to clearly demonstrate, YOU ARE AN IGNORANT FOOL, who now is contaminating a serious thread with your usual horseshit.

    I will not waste further time posting on your and DedFool's Masonic, illuminati or other ludicrous threads.

    ANYONE, and I repeat ANYONE who repeats that the WTS participates in any fashion in the manufacturing of miltary equipment, OR that the WTS "owns miliary stocks" is nthing but an IGNORANT FOOL. The fact that you and others are willing to misinterpret internet info so as to mislead uneducated people who will "bite" at anything potentially negative about the WTS MAKES YOU LOWER THAN BUG SHIT, not to mention that the WTS is now able to use your drivel to PROVE that "apostates" will use any means to falsely slander the WTS.

    As I have stated previously, I don't condone the WTS's "conditional ownership" of stock in a corporation which in turn owns stock in another corp, which in turn owns stock in another corp that does military business. THOSE FACTS are sufficient for me to conemn the WTS.

    But, NO, simply explaining the TRUTH is not good enough for you scumbags. NO, you have to turn TRUTH into a LIE.

    Well, go shit in your own house, and leave this righteous thread alone.

  • ErieGuy

    Lawrence announces that he will open his own website:{9B062603-D1B6-476A-A748-60F918A7BB4F}

    You will have to CUT/PASTE into your browser all of the URL.

    (Not embedding so as to not increase thread's loadtime.)

    Edited by - ErieGuy on 8 September 2002 10:6:48

  • deddaisy

    you know MadApostate, AngryXJW, Eriefly, whatever your current name is, I don't know what your problem is, and frankly, I don't care. I've spent too much time on your rude, sophmoric, nonsense, but if you think that you're going to run your mouth without being called on it, think again. It doesn't take a substantial person to call posters a bunch of liars on an internet forum. But it takes a bit of substance to back up one's claims and you have been unable to do that yet.

    1) In several threads, you called posters,"liars, deceptive, cronies, etc." and when asked to provide a reference to any lies, you vanished, and reappeared only to provide more name-calling.

    2) Among your name-calling, you threw in a sarcastic remark about my referring to "smartbombs," because "smart was in the name." This was an outright lie and when I asked you to reference where I said such, once again, you provided no reference.

    3) Now, for a third time, I'm going to ask you to provide some back-up for your mouth. In this thread, once again, you insinuate that I started a "masonic," or "illuminati" thread:

    DedFool's Masonic, illuminati or other ludicrous threads.

    Can you point out which "Masonic" or "illuminati" thread it is that I possess ? Once again I ask you to keep your mouth shut if you can't back it up.

    Edited by - deddaisy on 9 September 2002 3:5:41

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