This saddens me, but there is hope!
I haven't gone to meetings for 10 years now, I faded. My parents know I smoke, did drugs, have a girlfriend, don't agree with JWs and so forth. I'm still baffeled,
despite the latest KM, that they still show unconditional love. I straight out told them they had better never treat me like the article described.
You can bet it's tearing your mother up inside as well. I know my parents have too many problems to add one of that magnitude. I don't know if I was DF or DA
if it would make a difference.......that seems only a formality seing as they know of all the things I've done. My younger brother is DA and they don't treat him any different
because of it. I know it bothers some of my relatives that my younger brother and I are their childrens favorite cousins.
I suppose if my parents refused to talk to me I'd make it a point to call often leaving messages of, "Hi, it's your son. I just called to say hello and that I love you. Give me a call."
Maybe my situation can give you some hope that the WTS isn't COMPLETELY effective in severing family ties.
Best Wishes - TTBoy