by mustang 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • mustang

    (I wrote this during the week, but Saturday morning is the most appropriate time for it. )

    Coming back from the holiday, I was running about an hour late into work. I noticed a girl hovering around the bus stop as the bus approached my first stop. Thinking no more of it, I got off the bus and walked briskly towards the corner, to make a transfer.

    Suddenly an arm thrust a Watchtower and Awake almost into my face. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the girl that I had seen before the bus stopped.

    "Do you want these?" the voice said.

    I just kept walking, faster now, as I was late anyway.

    Is that how they do it now? What's next, just tie the magazines to a brick and throw them?!?


    Depth of Subject Covered - W

    Grooming - G

    Foxiness - G (Girl was about an 8.)

    I won't worry about any I's. I'm hoping to avoid a rematch.


    Edited by - mustang on 7 September 2002 12:48:39

  • patio34

    The poor thing. She was probably miserable and doing her recruiting and selling only out of duty. How sad for her. We've all been there at one time or another.


  • DanTheMan

    That was the worst presentation you've ever seen only because you were never on the receiving end of one of my stuttering, pathetic attempts to get dumb magazines that I had barely read myself into people's hands!

    Dan, of the always-struck-out-at-the-doors class

    Edited by - dantheman on 7 September 2002 14:6:28

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    I was sitting on a commode when one of "the friends" came into the public bathroom and simply tossed an older Watchtower or Awake under each stall.

    Great way to make some fast placements, eh!

  • SYN

    The advantage of a brick wrapped in a Tower is that the presentation is so effective it leaves you unconscious and vulnerable to mind control!

  • minimus

    But the presentation WAS effective.

  • RR
    I was sitting on a commode when one of "the friends" came into the public bathroom and simply tossed an older Watchtower or Awake under each stall.

    I think they were doing a service, you know those public bathrooms never have toilet paper.

  • abbagail

    The commode-magazine-placements take the cake! I've NEVER heard of such a thing! I dunno whether to commend those dubs for being creative, or chastise them for being lazy. :-)

    I certainly hope the Bethel spies are reading this thread. They definitely need to pass this on to the CO's for an obviously much-needed-lecture to "the friends" at their next round of circus visits! I can hear it now...

    Question & Answer session at CO's visit:
    Dearest Friends: We've had reports from the fruitful field [of the internet] that publishers have become very inventive in their magazine placement tactics, some even 'stooping so low' as to sling the magazines under public bathroom stalls whenever they see feet dangling... Would THIS be considered an acceptable form of "SACRED service"?

    Answer: ONLY if the person on the john hollers out: "THANK YOU, I was wishing I had something to read right about now..."


  • mustang


    "Stall-stall Witnessing" is also possible:



  • freedom96

    The ones who bug me are those that sit behind a table with the magazines on display and just sit there counting their time. I see them at the airport all the time.

    Next time I see them, I am going to make some sort of comment.

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