by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    The only time I got a "sherherding"call was when they had to tell my I wasn't getting enough service time in.....oh, and during my divorce when they told me I was "the hard-hearted one" for divorcing my abusive husband.

    They always had a way of making me feel real good.....

  • minimus

    Did any of you ever WANT a shepherding call???.......If so, WHY?

  • Nanoprobe

    Our bookstudy conducter was always trying to arrange a "shepherding call" with us. We would always tell him No, thanks we weren't interested. We would joke with him and tell him if we wanted him to come over we would invite him. This went on for a long time, finally we were moved to another Book study. That conducter started the same routine but he was alot more fun so we had him and his wife over for a glass of wine. I don't remember too much spiritual stuff being discussed.

    Oh, Shoot......Bet my answer is wrong I see this was actually about Sherherding Calls. and I don't even know what that is!!!

    Edited by - nanoprobe on 8 September 2002 22:9:21

  • Reborn2002

    I found Sheperding Calls to be condescending and intrusive.

    Atypically their visit would include:

    We've been missing you at the meetings.

    Let us see what Jehovah has to say about the matter (elder then fingers to NWT)

    You are not following God's direction as provided to the FDS to not forsake the gathering of ourselves together...

    The elders had a subtle manner of chastising (sp?) and reprimanding you, even if the visit was given under the premise of "love"

  • RR

    Didn't get too many, in those days when the elders came over, we just hung out and drank beer. But I don't drink no mo'.

    I enjoyed giving shepherding calls. Especially if I my partner was an old timer. He'd tell the "shepherdee", "you have to do more hours in the filed." And when he tuerned his back, I'd tell them, "don't worry about it, just do what you can, when you can." It's was great!

  • goatlike

    the three little judicials;

    one little piggie followed me up and down the streets spying. to catch a glimpse of the alleged acts. could discern a bad word at 100 paces and surmise independant thinking at 1000. probably counted the whole thing as field service time.

    the other little piggie broke into tears when they disfellowshipped me. an overwhelming sense of righteousness. the last little judicial foamed and frothed and lapsed into ancient sanskrit at my very wretchedness.

    i only gave them one visit and that was it

    shepharding calls suck because it means they haven't left you yet.

  • kenpodragon

    I did not enjoy giving them or getting them.

  • larc

    When they came to my door they could see the Christmas tree lights through the window, and hear the Christmas somgs blaring away on my music system. Obviously, we did not answer the door. By the time they got around to sending me a registered letter regarding a JC meeting, we were one week away from moving out of town for a new job I got. They never did follow up by sending anything to the other town's KH.

  • Dawn

    Larc - I LOVE IT!! You are so funny. I wish I could have been there to see that one!!

  • ugg

    we have never had one....now....i cannot tolerate one...i hate them,,,big time....

    for lin,,,"major and many cyber hugs" god,,,so typical

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