I have been reading through a number of posts here regarding shepherding calls in the past few days. Having always been the "troubled child" I sure received my fair share. I got pregnant when I was 19 (unmarried) and know firsthand what a woman goes through during these so-called "shepherding calls" - having to tell every detail of your sex life to 3 old geezers, feeling dirty and worthless, and terrified of loosing everything if you're DF'd.
I've been attending a non-denominational church now for a couple years and discovered that they also do shepherding calls (YIKES!!) - but it never ceases to amaze me how "Christendom's Churches" show so much more Christian kindness than the JW's. A girl in our church recently became pregnant and was also unmarried. One of the other members who is close to her approached the church elders to see what they could do to help her out. Guess what - she got a shepherding call of a whole different nature. They encouraged her, paid some of her bills to help her out until she could get back on her feet financially, got her in touch with other members who were also single parents to encourage her, and so on. I see her almost every Sunday now - she's always wearing a smile and is making great steps forward.
So instead of being shunned, getting discouraged, and leaving - she was encouraged, helped, and has now dedicated her life to Jesus.
The JW's will never get it will they.