Shepherding calls in a non-JW church

by Dawn 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    I have been reading through a number of posts here regarding shepherding calls in the past few days. Having always been the "troubled child" I sure received my fair share. I got pregnant when I was 19 (unmarried) and know firsthand what a woman goes through during these so-called "shepherding calls" - having to tell every detail of your sex life to 3 old geezers, feeling dirty and worthless, and terrified of loosing everything if you're DF'd.

    I've been attending a non-denominational church now for a couple years and discovered that they also do shepherding calls (YIKES!!) - but it never ceases to amaze me how "Christendom's Churches" show so much more Christian kindness than the JW's. A girl in our church recently became pregnant and was also unmarried. One of the other members who is close to her approached the church elders to see what they could do to help her out. Guess what - she got a shepherding call of a whole different nature. They encouraged her, paid some of her bills to help her out until she could get back on her feet financially, got her in touch with other members who were also single parents to encourage her, and so on. I see her almost every Sunday now - she's always wearing a smile and is making great steps forward.

    So instead of being shunned, getting discouraged, and leaving - she was encouraged, helped, and has now dedicated her life to Jesus.

    The JW's will never get it will they.

  • Elsewhere

    That is a great experience.

    Have you found a place that makes you happy?

  • Dawn

    Yea - they won't kick me out (ha ha ha)

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    she got a shepherding call of a whole different nature. They encouraged her, paid some of her bills to help her out until she could get back on her feet financially, got her in touch with other members who were also single parents to encourage her, and so on.
    The JW's will never get it will they.

    Not until they understand what being The Good Shepherd really means.

  • Dawn

    Hi Elsewhere:

    just being silly with my post above. But I did find a place where I'm really happy - and it was totally by accident. After I was DF'd for the second time (yea - I was bad) about 12 years ago I decided that was IT! I was done with the whole church christian thing - it had NOTHING to offer me and was just a bunch of hypocrites. I still prayed to God once in a while - but that was it.

    Two years ago a highschool friend of mine passed away and I went to her memorial service. Right away I knew something was really different about this place - it was a feeling I had NEVER felt at the kingdom hall. The only way I know to describe it is that I felt like God was there - I know it sounds strange but it REALLY felt that way. My husband said it was just me being emotional and all about my friend and I agreed. But a few months later I decided to go back just for giggles to see what it was really like there.

    The one thing that really struck me the most was the way they sang. We all know the monotonous - hum-drum whisper/singing that we suffered through with those outdated Kingdom Melodies over the piped-in muzak system right. Well - at this church I looked around and seen hundreds of people (it's a big church - about 1800 members) and they were all singing from the heart - so much joy and happiness - they were REALLY WORSHIPING with song. I had NEVER seen that before - I couldn't figure it out. What the heck made them want to sing that way to God?! So I kept going and started to learn about God in a whole new light - a God I was never taught about as a JW.

    I find that now I am making the same efforts in my life as I did when I was a JW (you know - trying to live as a Christian) - only this time it doesn't seem like work. I'm not afraid of anyone catching me at anything, I don't feel guilty - I just WANT to do it. It's so different.

    So I guess I did really find a place that makes me happy - but I don't believe it is found in any one church - it's in your heart and your relationship with God.

  • Elsewhere

    That is good!

    It sounds like you found out what was ment by "My load is light and my yoke is kindly."

    JWs haven't got a clue.

  • gumby

    Hi Dawn.....nice story and good points.

    You said...Well - at this church I looked around and seen hundreds of people (it's a big church - about 1800 members) and they were all singing from the heart - so much joy and happiness - they were REALLY WORSHIPING with song. I had NEVER seen that before

    The only time you will see this at the hall is on the inside cover of their songbooks in the picture. There you see singers with their hands in the air really bellering it out......yet you never see publishers do this.

  • ozziepost
    The one thing that really struck me the most was the way they sang. We all know the monotonous - hum-drum whisper/singing that we suffered through with those outdated Kingdom Melodies over the piped-in muzak system right. Well - at this church I looked around and seen hundreds of people (it's a big church - about 1800 members) and they were all singing from the heart - so much joy and happiness - they were REALLY WORSHIPING with song. I had NEVER seen that before - I couldn't figure it out. What the heck made them want to sing that way to God?! So I kept going and started to learn about God in a whole new light - a God I was never taught about as a JW.

    Mrs Ozzie and I found exactly the same.

    I s'pose the thing is, you can't expect more at the Kingdom Hall, for there's no spirit there - Holy Spirit, that is.

    Singing is sure a big difference, we found. The songs are better too. Instead of self-glorification, glory is given to God.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • ThiChi

    ""The songs are better too. Instead of self-glorification, glory is given to God.""

    Very Powerful point!! Never looked of it that way..........Thanks

  • Prisca

    Nice post, Dawn!

    When I have attended Christian services, I have been amazed at the singing, just how heartfelt they are! And the people REALLY do believe in, and love, God! Who woudda thunk?

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