G'day all,
This thread has been up for about three days, so now I guess it's time for Ozzie's contribution!
I must say that a topic such as this makes me a very happy old ozzie! We seem to be going through a very thoughtful and thought-provoking stage on JWD and I must thank y'all for that. Makes me feel really good.
A number of responses on this thread strike a chord with me, and I wouldn't wish to simply re-hash what someone else has written, so may I add two points from Scripture.
Firstly, Christians believe they're living in a fallen world, as do the Dubs. Why does life have to be this way? Try this: pain and negative emotions are absolutely essential to draw our attention to God and things eternal. At the close of his dialogue with God about suffering, Job stated, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you" (Job 42:5) Our observation is that we come to a realisation of our need for God, not when things in life are going well, but when we have reached the "depths". The dubs recognise that, too, and seek to find those who are "sighing and groaning", i.e. going through some sort of crisis.
The second point I'd make is this: A corollary to the qusetion "Does Pain Have a Purpose?" might be "Is God really good?". In Romans 8, Paul equates the groaning and suffering of creation with childbirth, not death. Maybe that's a clue about pain's purpose. We can think about the pain a mother experiences in childbirth and acknowledge that, as intense and powerful as that pain is, it's usually relieved the moment a healthy baby is placed in the mother's arms. Our pain, like that of childbirth, exists for what comes after the pain, so that we experience God and may eventually realize that this pain-filled life is short in comparison to a pain-free life of eternity with God.
Recommended reading: When God Doesn't Make Sense by James Dobson (Tyndale House, 1993
Know the Truth by Bruce Milne [2nd ed.](Inter Varsity Press, 1998 )
Cheers, Ozzie