JW's who were in the towers

by DanTheMan 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    I don't know if anyone has posted similar thoughts to this, but I've been thinking about this off and on over the past year.

    I understand that a dozen or so JW's lost their lives in the 9/11 massacre. Since then, I've often wondered to myself what may have been going through their minds during these frightful moments (if they weren't among the lucky ones who died instantly). Did they think Armageddon had come, and, as they lay dying in the smoke and ashes and chaos, did they think that they were dying at Jah's hand, because they hadn't done enough? That their bloodguilt was too great for them to be spared? Or maybe the whole situation jacked them so full of adrenaline that their minds switched completely over to survival mode, and they didn't have any sort of contemplative thoughts like these.

    Has anybody else wondered about this?

  • belbab

    I, too wondered about this,

    Others witnesses have expressed reactions to natural events, such as thunder storms as if it was Armageddon that was starting, then after realized it was just a storm.

    We also know on 9/11 some Witnesses expressed their initial reaction to the terrorist attacks as the start of Armageddon. At Bethel they pulled all the curtains shut, which I believe was their interpretation of the Scripture to 'go into your interiour rooms until the trouble has past'.

    So I imagine that those who died in the towers who were witnesses must have thought that they had been rejected by God as unfaithful. What a terrible thought to have as one is dying.


  • DanTheMan
    So I imagine that those who died in the towers who were witnesses must have thought that they had been rejected by God as unfaithful. What a terrible thought to have as one is dying

    My thoughts exactly...what a horrible thing to add to the horror they were experiencing

  • minimus

    How could anyone KNOW or pretend to know what they were thinking. All I know is that what happened was very sad and I hope we give all the dead and their loved ones dignity.

  • DanTheMan


    I wasn't stating fact, just speculating about a possible scenario that may have played out...didn't mean to show a lack of respect towards anyone. I've wanted to post on this subject for a while, but was always afraid of sounding insensitive, but considering some comments that were made on this board about the Phillipino JW's (comments along the lines of "why should we feel sorry for them? After all, they teach that their God is going to kill 99.99% of the earth's pop very soon" - comments that I agreed with), I felt like I could do it.

  • minimus

    Hi Dan,you can do whatever you feel is right. Personally,I find sadness when anybody is beheaded. Life is special. Even a JW's.

  • VeniceIT

    How many Catholics died? Baptists? Agnostics? Atheists? Muslims?

    Does anyone else think it's strange that we know how many JW's but no other group???? Is it because the JW's only care about their own and not others??? I think it's odd.


  • Windchaser

    That's the thing about death: when you die, you only have to go through it once. We, the living, think of the deaths of others, especially those who touched our lives, over and over. I think that they are better off than we are. I think that things are going to get much worse. I also feel that it is natural to think about what goes through the minds of people who are close to death.

    I agree that, if these victims were thinking that Jehovah was judging them worthy of death at that moment, it is just another reason for disliking the 'jw way'....bad enough to have to face death without thinking that God has condemned you.

  • plmkrzy
    Does anyone else think it's strange that we know how many JW's but no other group???? Is it because the JW's only care about their own and not others??? I think it's odd.

    VeniceIT there is no reason why JWs should know how many were Catholics. Don't know if thats what you meant or not.

    I think there is a very good possibility that someone posting or lurking around here may have been close to or a family member of a victim. For that reason I would want to be careful not to slam their dead.

  • VeniceIT

    what I meant was you never heard anyone else saying how many of a certain religion died. I mean the Catholics never said '####' Catholics died in the tragedy, JW's are the only ones that break it down, like ohh phew only a few JW's died, well it's ok then.


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