Yeh, I don't know why they do that except maybe to keep track of publishers or something.
The same thing always happens in every catastrophe. Only 3 JWs lost their homes out of 5,000 people in the flood...yadda yadda.
by DanTheMan 13 Replies latest jw friends
Yeh, I don't know why they do that except maybe to keep track of publishers or something.
The same thing always happens in every catastrophe. Only 3 JWs lost their homes out of 5,000 people in the flood...yadda yadda.
exactly like the others don't matter at all!!! it's so cold
Whatever they were thinking at that moment.................they have passed through the door and have finished their journey.
I truly believe that God reads the HEART not the RELIGION.
We miss them all.......we miss the space that was once the twin towers - a source of pride......we miss the familiarity with our New York skyline......we miss the feeling of security we once had........but we are so fortunate to still be here - to still have freedom and still have one another.
My heart goes out to those who lost ones close to them last year on Sept 11th. I lost my father in October of last year and as that day draws close I think "what were we doing together last year"....over and over again I think of him and how much I miss him. How anguished those families must be tonight to be thinking......"last year at this moment we were..."
Whatever religion, belief, race, nationality - it is a loss to us all.
Please excuse me for putting a little twist to this subject. Since you used the word 'tower', how many die monthly while being in the Watch-tower, and these people were of different faiths?
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