Are you 'reaching out' englishman?
Cheers, Ozzie
by ozziepost 31 Replies latest jw friends
Are you 'reaching out' englishman?
Cheers, Ozzie
Ami reaching out?
No! Just retching at popmpous dubbisms!!! UUUUUURRRGGGHHH!!!
There, there, englishman! Calm down. It'll be all right in the morning. BTW how's the soccer today?
Ozzie (of the wide-awake midnight class)
ozzie - off the subject here - you mentioned you still go to meetings or have up until recently?
whats the latest regulations on jw's & the internet?
ozzie englishman - back on the subject:
on the other hand if you are of the "anointed" (can't believe i'm still using this BS jargon but anyway)
if you are of the anointed and get asked to leave the Org. (DF'D) and are then subsequently "repentant" etc and reinstated - you can still reclaim your business class reservation* in heaven up there beside JC can't you ?
i may be wrong but my impression at the momen is that this is in fact the case
does this mean it's say theoretically possible to be on restrictions and yet partake at the memorial?
*anointed status
(can you believe i used to believe this bullshit class)
Edited by - ICHING on 24 March 2001 8:34:22
Been there done that!!! Very humiliating. And counter productive. Cause' look where I am now.
TW is a link to a thread on this subject cheers
Sitting on the Wrong Side of the Fence Class
zev - hi - don't think we've spoken before - i read the click through to your post on internet danger - GREAT!!
i can't imagine the situation not getting to the point (though this may take a few years - when home computer/internet connection is as commonplace as a telephone or tv) - as was mentioned in the thread - jw's knock on someones door - person may be a "sheep like one" - they have a chat - place mags and so on - after the jw's have split - the "sheep like one" goes on line to research the JW's - finds all the dirty laundry on them - the permutations of possible outcomes is limitless but whichever way you look at it - it aint looking good for the wtbts -
i just think it's such beautiful poetic justice - the evolution of a technology that they cannot control - that poses a very real threat to their existance - as demonstrated by their pissweak efforts to counter it in the articles you posted -
not only that - i love the way the internet is taking them apart externally - (whose gonna convert after researching online?)
and internally - all the fascist views about the internet the wtbts publish within their own literature serves to foster curiosity amongst the faithful as well.
as a JW you are isolated - especially isolated within your fears and doubts - as you are not permitted to express these under threat of expulsion ( read: death at armageddon) as we are all only to well aware
(in the utilisation of this isolation technique to maintain control the wtbts is truly diabolical)
it's easy to think you're alone - BUT NOT ANYMORE
if the wtbts cannot keep the faithful isolated (impossible now with the advent of the internet ) it's essentially all over bar the shouting for them - it really is just a matter of time now i think
i cannot see how the situation will not evolve where the irrefutable evidence against the wtbts (online evidence) becomes so overwhelming - they just won't be able to bullshit their way out of it any longer
especially because the bulk of that evidence against them is courtesy of themselves.
this is so good because it makes them look so dumb -
i'm only speculating now but i reckon they've probably sat around in smug complacency there at crooklyn (to borrow a tallyman phrase) for the last decade or so waiting for this internet fad to fade into obscurity like the hula hoop or pet rocks etc.
judging by the articles you've posted reality is starting to set in
- way too little - far too late
i thought these guys were manning the watchtower - staying alert - keeping on guard - they must off been getting a very long manicure when the internet poked it's head over the horizon and then rode in at breakneck speed to completely surround them
with who nows how many new people connecting to the internet going online globally - daily
the demise of the wtbts is a beautiful scenario to watch unfold
THANK YOU SATAN FOR INVENTING THE INTERNET - (i mean he has to be responsible for it doesn't he?)
and who knows what blows the next phase of online technology will deal the wtbts - if they haven't sunk by then?
i'm predicting individual web tv - where individuals can essentially become online broadcasters programming their own content - much like a video conference situation -
and soon and so on
thanks zev
Hello Buscar,
just to tell how true I found your words,
in this subjetct I couldn't have said better!
"One elder with his lies can turn the whole Hall against you and you have no redress. You are told "we'll have to leave it in Jehovahs hand"
"All these restrictions, marking, dfing, are PUNISHMENT for daring to speak up against the elders. Love has nothing to do it. How are you loving your neighbour as yourself when you treat them like sh!t?"
The sad thing is that you are always told:
"wait on Jehovah"...but this it's only for
those who dare to speak up !!
Agape, J.C.MacHislopp
My restrictions were anounced from the platform. Everything that they could restrict was restricted - publicly. But hey Who Cares. Dont gives at rats arse about saying the closing prayer. "Thank you Santa for all the Bull$hit we have just digested". And as for answering they wouldnt like my answers much!