They also impose restrictions that they not only won't tell you about, but lie about it when questioned. If they feel a sister is not "behaving in a humble or submissive manner" in some way, they will not tell her, but will keep her from receiving assignments in the School. This happened to me repeatedly, and when I went to a mature brother ( in the true sense of the word mature) about it, he had a meeting with the lying School Overseer and I was immediately given a talk! How did he explain away his deviousness? He said "Oh, well, it wasn't intentional; her name is on my master list, it just doesn't show up on my assistant's list for some reason...." The dirty dog. I was in these 2 men's Book Study - so even if their lie was the truth, why didn't they "know positively the appearance of the flock" in their charge, and NOTICE that one sister in their little Book Study group never seemed to have a talk for about 18 months?
Same thing happened in the next congregation, except when a fill-in School Conductor needed an impromptu speaker in the back school, and I got the assignment, apparently by mistake! You bet I grabbed the opportunity and my daughter and I gave the talk. Never got another assignment. When I asked about it twice, the PO said he was sure it was just a mistake, just human error...but I never got a talk.
When I went to the next congregation, the School Overseer kept saying from the platform every week, "Now if you're not SURE you're enrolled in the school, be sure to see me and I will enroll you." Over and over he said this. But I wasn't biting anymore. Never "enrolled" again. There's no enrollment form. Who are they kidding???
Once I had a talk in a congregation I was pretty comfortable in but the householder assigned was pretty flaky. I kept calling her to be sure I was faithful in using who they assigned, and finally got roommate on the morning of the talk. She said the girl had a job interview that day and might not be at the meeting. So I arranged for another sister in my building to be my householder and we practiced the talk several times. She was very happy for the opportunity.
WELL! Just minutes before the meeting began, one of the elders comes over and tells me SHE can't be your householder! Sorry, get someone else. So I run over and get one of the elders' wives; I hand her her script. They tell the other sister she is not allowed to be on the school, which shocks and hurts and upsets her; then a few minutes before my talk, the imbeciles decide she CAN be on the school, so I get the script back during the meeting, give it to the first sister, and we go up. Well, she was all rattled, could barely do it, and finally we got through it.
And why??? Because the sister is separated from her husband, though they are trying to work things out, and he sits with the family at the meetings. Oh - my- God!!!
Such Christians!